Return to Me - By Morgan O'Neill Page 0,46

quiet and dignified, yet full of joy. Verica had thought she would never love again, yet there she was, gazing at her new husband with a tenderness that warmed Placidia’s heart. The couple would leave for Narbonne in a week’s time, accompanied by Alaric and Verica’s children. Placidia would miss them terribly, but Frideger was a good man, and Verica deserved this happiness.

Placidia thought again of how the couple had gazed at one another, the bond between them strong and beautiful to behold. Then, with a jolt, she wondered how long it had been since she had gazed at Athaulf in that way.

Of course she knew the answer. Regardless, she suddenly realized how badly she missed her husband. Though they’d been tender and attentive to one another, Theo had been standing between them since the moment he got sick. All these months they’d been missing their son, but now Placidia knew she must remedy the situation, or the bond she and Athaulf shared would die, too.

Hurrying inside, she was intent on finding him, but was met instead at the door by a gaggle of smiling girls.

“Mama, Gigi wants to take us to the market!” Marga squealed, hopping up and down.

Placidia couldn’t help smiling. Athaulf’s oldest girl, Gaila, stood with her sisters, Amala and Rosenda, and Verica’s youngest, Berga, was there as well. Gigi and Vana stood at the rear, and all of them wore their most ardent expressions of hope and pleading.

“Come with us, Mother,” Amala, just ten years of age, suggested.

“I cannot, but it sounds like a wonderful idea. Are you sure you want to take on such a project?” Placidia asked the two grown women.

Grins and nods were her answer.

“We will have escorts with us, of course,” Gigi added.

“So be it. Let me give you some coin so you may all buy beads and ribbons for your hair.”

The girls twittered with excitement as Placidia rummaged for spending money. Then, giving a small pouch to Gigi, she bent and took hold of Marga’s hands. “You cannot wander off. You must hold on to one of your sister’s hands every moment. Do you promise?” She gazed at the others, binding them all to this mandate.

“I promise, Mama.” Marga nodded vigorously.

“Then you may go with my blessing.”

After a round of hugs, Placidia watched them hurry off on their adventure, a blur of color and curls and delight.

She smiled, and her thoughts turned back to Athaulf. Would he comply with her wishes?

Beckoning a servant, she gave him a detailed list of her needs, and then headed for a private study, where she knew she would find her husband.

• • •

Bone weary from the over-long meeting, Athaulf pressed the royal seal into the wax. He hoped this was the final document, for he wished to go outside, to ride and hunt. One of his advisors pushed another document his way. Athaulf girded himself for more.

“Aelia Galla Placidia, Queen of the Visigoths!” a guard announced.

Athaulf looked up, surprised. Placidia stood in the doorway, her smile hopeful, and her gaze for him alone. He felt a jolt to his gut, because he hadn’t seen such a sparkle in her eyes in a long while.

He rose as she drew near and then took her hands in his.

“Husband,” she spoke softly, “can you be persuaded to put away the things of state for an afternoon? I was hoping we might explore the hills together, just you and me. It is such a beautiful day, and … I’ve missed you so.”

Joy swept over him at her heartfelt words. He spotted a servant just outside the doorway, waiting with a blanket and a picnic basket. “Friends,” he said to his advisors, “our work is done for the day. Please meet me back here in the morning.”

Placidia lowered her head, a blush flaming her cheeks.

Holding her hand, Athaulf took the picnic things from the servant, and together he and Placidia left the castle. Guards joined them, as they must, but they knew enough to keep a respectful distance.

At first, they followed paths beaten into the earth by centuries of use, and the going was easy. Soon, however, the paths gave way to animal tracks, the hillside steepened, and climbing became more difficult.

Placidia hiked without speaking, and Athaulf was impressed with her stamina. Keeping a firm grasp of her hand, he made sure she didn’t falter. Finally, when they reached a crest, Athaulf stopped and pulled her to him, and together, they looked out over the trail they’d followed.

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