Return By Air – Tracey Jerald Page 0,79

me,” before sliding out of the car.

With nothing to do, I fold my hands around each other and just suck in air. It can’t be more than a few seconds, but I feel like I’m hanging between two different realities, one in which I’m living in the past and the other where I’m living in some sort of fantasy. I haven’t decided which I want to be in when my door flies open.

Jennings braces himself between the door and opening, effectively caging me in. I flick my gaze up and down his body, letting it linger over certain parts of him before jerking it back up to his face. I feel the warmth hit my cheeks when his lips curve. Damn him, he knows exactly what he does to me. Taking his offered hand, I pull myself up until I’m flush against him.

He grunts at the impact of our bodies but says nothing. The hand not holding mine slides over the curve of my hip, tugging me tighter against the long column growing behind his jeans. He arches a brow. Lust and something more, something I can’t name, crawls into his eyes. We stand there with nothing but air between our bodies until Jennings yanks me out of the door and slams it behind us. “Come with me now, or I’ll have you underneath the moon. And God, Kara, if your memory of us is as good as mine is, you know that’s not a threat.”

“No, that’s a promise,” I murmur, remembering the night in question where Jennings drove us to a secluded spot and did just that.

Jennings drops my hand once we reach the back entrance of the B&B long enough to whip out his key. “Thank God Ron has a back door to this place,” he mutters. Soon, the door is open and he reaches for me again. This time he grabs a hold of my wrist and drags me up the winding staircase to his room.

We make it there without another word passed between us. Soon he stops in front of a door, but instead of letting me go, he traps my body in between it and him. “I want your hands on me, but I’m not sure if I have enough self-control,” he admits.

Up until that moment, a part of my mind was still afraid. Both of us have had other lovers before and after each other, but this was Jennings. A part of me always knew he was something special. Relaxing, and heady with the power he just turned over to me, I slide my hands under his open jacket, feeling each and every muscle. Rising up on tiptoe, I nuzzle the soft hair of his jaw. Hearing him groan, I smile against his jaw, before whispering, “Find some.” Then I kiss him softly before I turn him loose. “Open the door, Ace.”

The door flies open behind me, and I stumble but don’t fall because Jennings’s arms catch me. “Keep moving backward, Kara,” he growls.

I could have pulled away from him easily, but the arousal I hear in his voice kicks up my own about ten notches. I tug the pull to my jacket down slowly as Jennings kicks the door behind him closed. As I let go of him with one arm to shrug out of it, he reaches behind him to lock the door.

“Keep going. I want your skin vibrating beneath my fingers.”

“You next.” I push at his bomber jacket with eager fingers. He quickly complies, letting it drop to his feet with a loud thump.

Leaning back against the door, Jennings pulls me in between his legs for a kiss. His mouth descends over mine, his tongue licking at the seam of my lips until I groan, giving him the access he needs. Need, want, and that something else I can’t quite name rise and fall like the plane did this morning. Only this time, I’m flying in Jennings’s arms.

It’s always been this way with him, even when we were so young, I think dazedly. There was so much I just liked about Jennings, and then there was this intense, white-hot chemistry between us. It brought us to a different plane where we both lived for those glorious summer months, where the air and land could touch without catastrophic consequence.

Soon, kissing isn’t enough for either of us. My hands are frantically shoving under Jennings’s shirt. His fingers are playing with the skin of my stomach where he’s pulled my sweater away from my Copyright 2016 - 2024