Return By Air – Tracey Jerald Page 0,78

picture of Kevin and Maris happily ensconced in the hotel with snacks spread out all around them.

I smile. “So, our son is happily tucked in for the night.”

“It appears that way,” she confirms, slipping her phone into her purse.

“Do you trust me?” I ask her. Inside, I’m quaking slightly as I wait for the answer. Even though today was as close to a perfect date as I could have imagined, the simple question could shatter that illusion into a million pieces.

Her head turns. Our mouths are a hairbreadth away from one another. We’re physically closer than we have been since the night I kissed her, and yet the intimacy of this moment is greater than the other. So much rides on her answer. Her lips part, and I brace for an excuse. So it takes every ounce of willpower to not crush my mouth down on hers when she whispers, “Yes. Especially after today.”

“My Owl.” I massage the back of her neck. Her laughter stops, but she trembles.

“Then do you want me to stay with you tonight?” Before she can say a word, I hold up my hand. “You had just started telling me a story. Fair warning, I may need to drink heavily after listening to it, so be prepared for me to crash on your couch,” I tell her with a touch of amusement, pressing a kiss on the crown of her head.

Her head shakes back and forth so fast, I can’t say I’m not a little hurt. “Okay. I’ll just drop you off, then.” I go to turn on the ignition.

Kara’s head snaps up so fast, she clips me on the edge of my jaw. Not that I’m complaining because she presses her lips to it on her way to my mouth. Her mouth then touches mine gently. Pulling back a bit, she studies my frozen features, before whispering, “I don’t want to tell you the story if you’re going to drink heavily, Ace. I want you to touch me, and I think you need your faculties about you when you do that.” Her head arches away from mine, eyes lowering dreamily.

“Shit,” I hiss out, before I capture her lips with mine.

As Kara’s upper body softens against mine, one arm tightens at the base of my neck. The other cups my jaw.

And just like that, flashes of memories hit my mind.

Kara’s breast cupped in the palm of my hand as I leaned over her. Her breathing heavy as I took the sweet dusky-tipped nipple in my mouth.

Kara’s legs parted as I dragged my cock through her wetness, preparing to enter her for the first time.

Kara’s hair flying as I rolled her over so she rode on top of me. Her giggles echoing throughout the room.

I want all of that again, I think ferociously. But it’s the last I want more than anything. I want Kara’s uninhibited laughter to penetrate my soul. Gently pulling back, I wait for her eyes to drift open before I rasp, “Come be with me.”

Wide-eyed, her lips part, and there’s a low pang in my stomach when I realize I’m suddenly terrified she’s going to say no. Her soft “Yes” is more than a beautiful woman agreeing to a night in my bed. It’s a chance to start over with a woman I realize I should have held on to almost a lifetime ago.

So, I’m not surprised my hands are shaking when I put the car in gear. What I am surprised by is when she reaches over and lays her hand on my leg.

Exactly the same way she used to do when we were dating.

And that, more than anything else, calms me down enough to put the car into gear and drive us to the B&B.


The silence in the car intensifies the need between us. Occasionally, I feel Jennings glance over. I don’t for fear I’ll tell him to stop the car and crawl into his lap like days of old. Flashes of the stupid ways we’d find to make love are being superimposed with the sexiness that’s uniquely him now.

It’s causing the tingle beneath my skin, and the only thing I’m touching is his leg. If I do more than that, I’m afraid of what I’m going to do.

Then again, if the thumping of my heart is any indication, I’m terrified anyway.

After we park, Jennings grips the wheel for a moment before reaching down for my hand. Lifting it to his lips, he tells me, “I’ll be right around. Wait for Copyright 2016 - 2024