Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,95

back of his neck. “She’ll look at you and see the man who was willing to put his own life on the line in order to save hers. A man who, for reasons I will probably never understand, she fell madly in love with despite his violent past and perceived flaws.”

In a rare moment of vulnerability, Adrian let his guard down enough to ask, “What if she can’t see me like that?”

“Then at least you’ll know. You’ll be free to come back here and waste the rest of your life drinking imported beer on a fucking beach with no one but a male server to talk to.”

Maybe it was the alcohol still in his system, but Adrian felt himself huffing out a chuckled breath.

“Let me guess. Ellena sent you down here after me?”

“No, actually.” Gabe licked his lips and looked out over the water. “She thinks I’m on a job. Coming here was all my idea.”

“Yours?” That bit of news shocked him. “Why?”

The other man brought his lens-covered eyes back around. “Because I’ve been exactly where you are now. I blamed myself when Elle was hurt by a former teammate who wanted me to suffer. He came after her a few years back because he was pissed at me. She, uh…she ended up having a miscarriage as a result.”



Adrian waited a beat before asking, “What did you do?”

“I left.” He stared back at him. “Walked away, just like you did. And I spent the next three years miserable and alone before I finally came to my senses.”

He hadn’t known that part of Gabe and Elle’s story. Or how much he and the man who’d once been his enemy had in common.

“What made you go back to her?”

A muscle in the other man’s jaw twitched. “I almost lost her for good.”

Just like I almost lost Jenna.

“I don’t get it. You were pissed as hell when you found out she and I had gotten close. Why the sudden change in heart?”

“She loves you, dumbass,” Gabe growled. “Why the fuck she chose you will forever remain a mystery to me. But for whatever reason she did, and she deserves to be happy.” He huffed a breath. “Never thought I’d say it, but so do you.”

Drawing in a cleansing breath, Adrian pretended to be interested in a bird flying across the blue sky before returning his focus back to Gabe. “You really think she’ll take me back?”

“Only one way to find out.” The other man smirked. “Although, if I were you, I’d plan on doing a shit ton of groveling. You do know how to grovel, right?”

Not really. “Can’t be that hard. Besides, I’ve got the entire flight from here to California to figure it out.”

Dawson’s smirk turned into a full-blown smile. “There’s the cocky fucker I know. Come on.” He slapped a hand to Adrian’s shoulder. “Let’s go get your shit packed up and get the hell home.”


It wasn’t a word he’d ever truly known. Not even when he was a kid.

But if Gabe was right, and Jenna somehow found it in that big heart of hers to forgive him for being such a jackass, Adrian thought he might just be ready to have a home—and a life—of his own.

And he wanted to share them both with her.

Jenna was done waiting.

Going back through each of her bags, she double checked to make sure she had everything she needed. She’d made a list last night before she started packing, but she had to be sure.

The appointment with her doctor this morning had gone well. Her body was healed enough to resume normal activities, which meant she had the green light to fly.

And once she stepped onto that plane, there’d be no turning back.

Zipping her bags closed, she hauled the load down the hallway to her apartment’s front door. There was a slight twinge in her side, but nothing she couldn’t handle.

It was the pain in her heart she needed to do something about.

After going back through the apartment to turn off all the lights and close the drapes, Jenna went into her bathroom for a final once-over before she left.

Her subtle makeup was noticeable but natural, and the decision to leave her hair down had definitely been a good one.

The shiny red locks fell over her shoulders in waves, creating a striking contrast with the silky white tank top she’d chosen to wear. From the waist-up, she appeared conservative-yet-stylish.

But from the waist down…

Jenna smiled. The green skirt she bought for the occasion fit her Copyright 2016 - 2024