Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,94

after him. “Not that you bothered to ask.”

Adrian stopped in his tracks but kept his eyes glued to the water in front of him. His gut turned inward, and his back teeth clamped together. He hadn’t asked because he didn’t want to hear it.

He didn’t want to know that Jenna had moved on without him. Even though she had every right to.

It was why he’d left in the first place. To give her a chance to be free of him and the shadows that would continue to follow him. A chance to live her life without fear of his enemies coming after her—again—because of him.

A chance to be happy and fall in love with someone normal and safe.

So while he was relieved as fuck to know Jenna was, in fact, okay, Adrian didn’t want to know anything more. Knowledge like that, it hurt too damn much.

And like Gabe had so kindly pointed out…he was a fucking coward.

“I’m glad,” he told the other man.

“Are you? ’Cause the way I see it, you don’t give two shits about Jenna.”

Adrian closed his eyes and took deep breaths in through his nostrils. Losing his temper wouldn’t change anything, so why bother exerting the effort?

“Not gonna deny it? So I guess I was right about you, all along, huh?”

He’s goading you. Just ignore him, and he’ll go away.

“All that talk about how much you cared about her. About how she was yours and you’d do anything for her. Why spout off all that bullshit and put on a fucking show like you gave a damn when she clearly means nothing to you.”

“She means everything to me!” He lost the battle and spun on his bare heels. Storming his way back over to the other man, Adrian released six weeks of pain and anger. “I left because I do care. You saw what happened to her! You know that shit’s on me!”

“That shit’s on Matais Ortiz and no one else.”

“Bullshit!” He moved into Gabe’s personal space. “She was targeted because of me.”

“True.” Gabe nodded. “Still not your fault.”

“How can you say that? Hell, I was the one who personally handed her over to Ben. A man who was working for the other fucking side!”

“He wasn’t.”

“What?” Adrian pulled back. “Of course, he was. Nate found proof of—”

“Carter found proof of two incoming phone calls to Campillo, yes. But Jenna said the only reason he helped Ortiz’s men was because Ortiz had threatened Ben’s wife and daughter if he didn’t.”

“And she believed him?”

“Yes.” Gabe nodded. “She did. She said he seemed extremely remorseful, spouting off that he didn’t have a choice. That he had to protect his family.”

Sonofabitch. “So Ben handed her over, and they killed him, anyway.”

“He was a witness.”

Adrian’s heart felt heavy for his friend. For the family the man left behind. But still…

“Doesn’t matter. It all leads back to me, which makes everything that happened my fault.”

“Jesus Christ, Walker. I mean, I’ve seen pity parties before…hell I’ve thrown enough of my own to last a lifetime. But there comes a time when the party ends and real-life resumes. Question is what is that life going to look like for you and Jenna?”

“She’ll be fine without me.”

“Is that what you think? Damn, brother. You are dumber than you look if you believe that shit.”

“It’s true. Jenna’s strong. A hell of a lot stronger than me.”

“Well, yeah.” Gabe shrugged. “We all know that. Just like I know Ellena can handle a fuck ton more than I ever will.”

Adrian frowned. “Meaning?”

“Meaning, those women of ours? They’re tough as nails when they need to be. Problem is, you’re putting Jenna in a position to be strong when, right now, she’s the one needing someone to lean on.”

His heart thumped against his ribs. “I thought you said she was okay.”

“Physically, yeah. She’s almost completely healed. And to anyone else, the rest of her seems to be moving on just fine, too. But I know that woman. So does my wife. Jenna’s hurting, Adrian. And you’re the only person who can make it stop.”

“I can’t face her, Dawson.” He rested his hands on his hips and shook his head. “I wouldn’t even know what to say.”

“Hello, tends to get the conversation going.”


“How could she ever look at me the same again?” It was a question he’d asked himself over and over again since he found her in that damn basement. “Every time she sees my face, she’s going to remember what happened to her…and why.”

“Or.” Gabe rubbed the muscles at the Copyright 2016 - 2024