Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,90

tears, Elle burst out laughing. “Liar.”

She grinned, grateful her emotional friend was smiling again. “Hormones, huh?”

“You have no idea.” The other woman wiped her cheeks dry. “Of course, it doesn’t really help to find out my best friend’s been kidnapped by a dead drug lord’s son and then get the call that said friend has been shot by the maniac.”

Even as she said the chastising words, Elle was scooting closer to the bed and grabbing her hand.

“You scared the shit out of me.” Her friend swallowed hard. “Gabe, too. We thought we were going to lose you.”

Her heart broke for her worried friends. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

“You should be.” Elle squeezed her hand. “But the doctor says you’re going to be fine. You have a concussion, too.” Her eyes rose to the source of Jenna’s headache. “The nurse said you didn’t need stitches, and the cut in your forehead is close enough to your hairline, the scar probably won’t even be noticeable.”

After what she’d been through, a scar on her forehead was the least of her worries.

Unable to wait a second longer, Jenna drew in a breath and asked, “Where’s Adrian?” She glanced at the closed door. “Is he with Gabe?”

Because she’d noticed Elle’s husband wasn’t in the room, either.

An odd look crossed over Elle, but it was gone before Jenna could figure out what it meant.

“Gabe went to make a call, but he’ll be back any minute. He’s going to be so happy you’re awake. I swear, that man has been climbing the walls since I got here. Before I got here actually. And oh, my gosh. You should’ve seen his face when I walked into the hospital waiting room. He was not happy about me driving all this way by myself in ‘my condition’.” The rambling woman used air quotes. “Like being pregnant is some sort of debilitating disease or something.”


“But then he hugged me, and I knew I’d made the right decision to come here. He was so worried about you. He thinks of you as a sister, you know. And I knew he was going crazy wondering if you were going to be okay, and—”


“I can’t wait to see his face when he walks in here and realizes you’re awake.”


Her friend blinked. “What?”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“Yes, I did,” Elle’s nervous chuckle was uncharacteristic to say the least.

“No, you talked about Gabe. I asked about Adrian.”

“You asked if those two were together, which means you asked about Gabe, which is why I talked about Gabe.”

“You’re avoiding.”

Elle’s dark brows scrunched together. “I am not.”

“Please.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re an expert in the field, and I practically invented the skill.” When Elle remained silent, Jenna became seriously worried. “He’s okay, right? Adrian’s okay?”

She couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought to ask that question before now.

The last thing she remembered was seeing his handsome, worried face leaning over hers as he kissed her and told her he loved her. He’d whispered soft, sweet words to her, and then he and Matais had started fighting.

She lost consciousness after that and then woke up here.

Jenna had assumed since she was here and not in that horrifying basement that they’d both gotten out of that place and away from Matais. But now…

Fear for the man she loved had her dizzy with worry. What if Adrian was hurt? What if he wasn’t the one who got her away from the monster and brought her here? What if…

“Adrian’s fine,” Elle assured her. “At least…we’re pretty sure he’s okay.”

“You’re pretty sure?” Jenna fumbled to find the controls on the bed before raising herself up. “What does that even mean? Where is he?”

Biting her bottom lip, it took a few seconds for Elle to make eye contact with her again. When she did, the look in her eyes said it all.

“We don’t know.”

Her stomach tightened. “How can you not know where Adrian is?”

“Listen, sweetie.” Elle wrapped both hands around hers. “The important thing is he found you and brought you back to us. And that man who hurt you…he won’t ever hurt anyone else, ever again. That’s all that really matters, right?”

Like hell it is. “You’re doing it again.”

“Doing what?”

“Avoiding the answer to a very simple question. Adrian brought me here and then, what? He just vanished?”

“Walker didn’t vanish.” Gabe entered the room with two to-go cups and an even deeper scowl than usual. “The selfish son of a bitch took off.”

Took off?

“He…left?” Jenna couldn’t believe he’d do something like that. Not again. Not after Copyright 2016 - 2024