Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,91

what they’d shared together. “Where did he go?”

Because maybe she was overreacting. Maybe Adrian didn’t abandon her like they were making it sound. Maybe something important came up, like another job with the CIA or Homeland. Or maybe…

“Nobody knows.”

Gabe’s blunt answer left her heartbroken. “How long has it been since he—” her rough voice cracked, and Jenna blinked against her tears.

“Day and a half.” Elle’s husband looked back at her with anger and a bit of gut-wrenching pity. “Bastard split as soon as I came back to see you in recovery after your surgery. I got back to the waiting room, and he was gone.”

Jenna pulled in a long breath to help keep her emotions at bay. “He didn’t, um…” She cleared her throat. “He didn’t tell anyone where he was going?”

“I’m sorry, Jen.” Ellena’s gaze filled with sympathy that turned her stomach. “The guys said Adrian told them he was going to the bathroom and then he just…left.”

He didn’t even wait for me to wake up?

Gabe shook his head, his strong jaw clenching tight. “So help me, when I find that piece of—”

“Gabriel!” Elle scolded her husband. “We talked about this, remember?”

Jenna’s gaze bounced between the husband and wife. “Talked about what?”

“My wife wants to make excuses for the asshole, when the truth is pretty damn clear. Walker didn’t give a shit about you, or the team, or anyone else but himself.”

“That’s not true.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them.

“Really?” Gabe glanced around the room. “Do you see him here? Because I don’t.”

“He’s not selfish.” He’d risked his life to save her. “Something must’ve happened. He must’ve had something important to take care of.”

“You,” Elle’s husband bit out sharply. “His ass should be here taking care of you.”

Jenna could take care of herself. That wasn’t the issue.

“What happened?” Jenna demanded to know. “After I was shot, I mean. I remember a little, but not very much.”

“According to Walker, Ortiz shot you and then Walker fought with Ortiz. He ended up stabbing Ortiz in the heart and killing him.”

Okay…so Matais Ortiz was dead. That was good news. Very, very good news.

But there was still a lot left she didn’t know, and something in the rest of the story may be a clue as to where Adrian went or why he left the way he did.

The urge to know what sent him running was strong. Fierce. So Jenna looked at Gabe and said, “Tell me everything.”

Twenty minutes later, Jenna knew it all.

After Ben Campillo was murdered, she’d been taken to Bogotá Freaking Colombia. A fact that blew her mind. Apparently, Adrian went nuts when he found out she’d gone missing, and he’d even signed himself out of the hospital against medical advice to help search for her.

She couldn’t believe she’d forgotten to ask about his leg. Couldn’t believe the crazy man had gone to Colombia on a rescue after having just been shot.

But Gabe said the man was relentless in his insistence he be the one to go in after her. That, until he pulled another disappearing act, he thought the man might actually love her.

He does love me. I know he does.

“What about the other men with Matais?” She had to ask. “Their names were Sebastian and Garcia. Garcia was the one who shot Chief Campillo.”

That was one memory she wished she hadn’t kept.

“Ryker sent a team in to take care of the scene. I just got off the phone with him. He said they ID’d each of the ten men helping Ortiz. Sebastian Herrera and Garcia Lopez were two of the names he mentioned.”

“There were ten?”

Gabe nodded. “Ryker’s guys also found a black purse with your wallet and ID in Sebastian’s apartment. He sent me this.” He held up his phone to show her a picture of the items. “He’s going to send it to me so I can get it back to you.”

“Oh, my god.”

Jenna couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was her purse and wallet, all right. Her old purse and wallet…the ones that had been stolen when she was mugged last month.

“What?” Elle looked worried. “Jenna, what is it?”

“Those were taken from me when I was mugged a few weeks ago.”

“What?” Gabe and Elle both exclaimed at the same time.

“It happened in the parking garage at the hospital.” Jenna licked her lips. “I know I should’ve told you, but I didn’t want you guys to worry. It wasn’t even that big of a deal, really. All they got was Copyright 2016 - 2024