Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,79

quick.” He turned to his men standing behind him. “I believe you already know Hollywood, Fletch, Coach, and Truck.”

Adrian gave the group of special forces badasses a tip of his chin. “Gentlemen.”

“And these guys here are Blade and Beatle. They weren’t able to be in on the last joint op, but just like my other men, they’re the best at what they do.”

Blade, who was tall with dark brown hair and gray eyes, gave the group a half-salute greeting. “Good to meet you.”

Beatle’s reddish hair and southern drawl made him immediately seem like the friendly type. “How y’all doin’?”

“Now that the introductions are over…” Ryker stepped into the authoritative role. “Let’s go over this one last time before Walker heads out, shall we?”

For the next few minutes, the two teams and Ryker finalized their plan down to the very last detail. Once the few questions had been answered and the group came to a collective agreement on how to proceed, they were ready.

“Last chance.” Gabe spoke so only Adrian could hear him. “Say the word and we figure out another way to get Jenna out of there.”

He shifted his gaze to the other man and said, “There is no other way.”

“We’ve got your back on this, Walker.” Gabe locked eyes with his. “And if you and Jenna are what you say you are…you’d better make damn sure your ass gets out of there in one piece.”

The two shared a look before Adrian turned and started walking toward the far end of the clearance. Glancing over his shoulder, he addressed the entire group with what he hoped came off as a sincere request.

“Jenna’s the priority. She gets out. No matter what.”

“We’ll get you both out, Walker,” Ghost responded for the group. “Just keep your ass alive until we can get there. You’ll be an hour early of Ortiz’s schedule, so you should have the element of surprise on your side.”

With a final nod, Adrian disappeared into the thick, green cover and began the three-mile hike to where Jenna was waiting.

Hang in there just a little longer, baby. I’m coming for you.

Jenna’s heart was broken, and she couldn’t even cry. She lay on the cold, hard floor, her hands tied together with the rope they’d used before, rather than the cuffs.

Apparently, tying her to the chair before had all been for show. Gave her more of a ‘hostage effect’ for the picture Matais had sent to Adrian.

It was the only reason she could come up with because, after the heated phone call, Sebastian had moved her from the chair back down to the floor.

Well the joke was on them, because at least this way she was able to lie down.

Jenna fought to keep her eyes open, terrified of what could happen if she let her guard down. As much as she wanted to, she refused to let herself fall asleep because she needed to be ready.

Adrian was coming for her. She’d heard him say as much yesterday—was that yesterday?—when Matais had called him. Despite her attempts to deter his agreement to Matais’ sick plan, she’d heard the man she loved agree to trade himself for her.

Part of her had always known he’d come, but more than the knowledge of that, Jenna was starting to feel him.

In her heart. Her soul. It was as if Adrian was all around her, now.

Of course, it was quite possible she was finally losing her ever-lovin’ mind. Dehydration, starvation, and exhaustion could do that to a person.

Maybe that’s what was happening to her, now. It would explain why she thought she heard Adrian begging for the men to stop beating her while he’d been on that call.

Men like Adrian, they didn’t beg. Not for anything.

I love you, Adrian.

Those four words had been running through her head on loop, over and over again. Because she knew he was coming, and when he did, they were both going to die.

Jenna’s eyes started to droop closed, but she blinked them open when she heard the metal door creak open. Her heart ached with fear, terrified she wouldn’t have the strength to fight against whatever was coming.

She cursed herself once again for not eating the meat and rice when Sebastian had offered it up the other day. They hadn’t offered her any food since.

Sebastian had been kind enough to bring her more water. Just enough to keep her from dying.

Not that it really mattered. Hydration only prolonged the inevitable.

This is where I’m going to die.

“Rise and shine, Miss Shaw.” Matais squatted Copyright 2016 - 2024