Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,78

through the trees and meet up with Ghost and the others.”

“Once we reach Delta”—Gabe took over—“we’ll go over the plan one final time to make sure everyone’s clear on their role in this rescue mission. After that, we’ll give Walker a head-start before falling in line behind him for back-up. For now, we need to use the next two hours in-flight to fine-tune what needs to happen in order to bring both Jenna and Walker out of this thing alive.”

“And Ortiz?”

Adrian looked over his shoulder to Matt, who’d posed the question. “Ortiz is mine.”

“Not to beat a dead horse, Walker”—Zade spoke up from his seat, catty-corner across from him—“but are you sure you’re up to this? Physically, I mean?”

“I’m fine,” Adrian bit out, resisting the urge to rub his aching thigh.

His leg still hurt, but nothing was going to keep him from going in after Jenna.

Fucking. Nothing.

When there were no further questions or comments, Ryker and Gabe proceeded to go over the details of the plan. Utilizing the drop-down screen at the front of the plane, they clicked through satellite images of the structure and the area surrounding it.

Through Homeland’s resources, Ryker had procured current satellite views in order to obtain the most up-to-date intel they could prior to breaching the area. The fewer surprises they encountered, the better their odds of keeping Jenna safe.

The plane landed as scheduled. The men quickly set about gathering their gear and settling into the van that was waiting to take them to their drop-off sight.

Adrian couldn’t help but feel gratitude toward Ryker for all he’d done to get them here. And, despite the man’s objections to Adrian’s participation in the mission, the Homeland agent had actually planned ahead by bringing camo gear and extra weapons for him to use.

Guess the guy isn’t a complete asshole, after all. Who knew?

Once they were dressed and armed to the teeth, all seven men—Ryker included—climbed into the van and settled in for the ride.

The drop-off sight was just as described. The side of a dirt road with nothing but trees and hills as far as the eye could see.

More than ready to get the party started, Adrian hopped out of the van first, ignoring the bite of pain shooting up his left thigh.

Using it, he pushed on, keeping up with the others as they began their two-klick hike to where Delta was in place and waiting.

By the time they reached the special forces team, his leg was barking like a rabid dog, but he didn’t dare let on. If these guys even suspected he was hurting, he had no doubt they’d try to re-write the plan and bench his ass.

And that sure as shit wasn’t happening.

With their weapons at the ready, the men broke through the small clearing where Delta was supposed to be waiting for them. Adrian looked around but saw no one.

He opened his mouth, ready to unleash the livid beast that had grown with every painful step, but snapped it shut when seven men made their way out from behind the surrounding cover.

“Damn, Ryker.” Ghost approached them first. “Never thought I’d see your ass back in the field.”

“My ass was in the field while yours was still in Basic.” Ryker held out a gloved hand for the Delta leader to shake.

“Ghost.” Gabe stepped up, offering the Delta leader his hand. “We’ve seriously gotta stop meeting up like this.”

Ghost chuckled. “No shit. It would be nice if we could all meet up over drinks instead of assholes who think it’s their God-given right to kidnap women for their own sick agendas. Problem is, you take one of the bastards out, there are twelve more waiting in line behind him.”

If that ain’t the truth.

“We’ll have that beer someday soon, brother.” Gabe lowered his hand back to his weapon. “Count on it.”

“How’s Ellena?”

“Good.” Gabe grinned like a man in love. “Really good. We’re actually expecting our first child in a couple of months.”

“That’s great!” Ghost slapped Gabe on the shoulder. “Congrats, man.”

“Thanks. I’ll pass it along to Elle.”

“If we could make plans for our girls’ day and play catch up some other time, that would be great,” Adrian interrupted the reunion.

“Sorry, Walker.” Ghost turned and offered him a hand, as well. “You’re looking a little better than the last time I saw you.”

“Ghost.” Adrian forced himself to greet the man and return the gesture. “Not trying to be an ass, but we’re on a pretty tight time-crunch, so…”

Ghost’s knowing gaze met his with a nod. “Understood. Real Copyright 2016 - 2024