Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,42

swell behind his zipper. The woman’s confidence and grit were a major fucking turn-on, but he needed to get himself under control.

Getting caught in the Chief of Police’s office with a boner wasn’t high on his to-do list.

“I assume you’re talking about the woman who worked for Saje Staffing?” Ben was still looking at Jenna.

“I am.”

The other man nodded. “I’m behind the scenes now, for obvious reasons, but I talked to the investigators on the case after Adrian called me.”

He opened a manila folder and pulled out a five-by-seven picture of a pretty brunette. Sliding the picture across his desk, he told them what he knew.

“Stella Gallagher. Twenty-six. Single. No kids. She has a studio apartment in Lovington, New Mexico, where she was born and raised. Took a job with Saje last year, and according to the point of contact within the company, this was Stella’s third travel gig with them.”

“Her third?” Jenna’s forehead scrunched as she thought. “Sounds like she was a stable employee.”

Ben nodded. “I agree.”

“Stable employees don’t just up and leave two weeks before their contracts are completed, Chief.”

“You’re absolutely right, Jenna. They don’t. Unless…”


Ben closed the file and rested his elbows on his desk. Steepling his hands, his expression softened. “My investigators discovered Stella met someone shortly after she got into town.”

“A man?”

“That’s correct.”

Adrian knew exactly where his former asset was headed. He also knew Jenna wasn’t going to like it.

“So?” Jenna’s eyes bounced between him and Ben. “What does that have to do with her disappearing?”

“The man she was seeing disappeared at the same time Stella did.” Ben sat back in his chair with a sigh. “Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens more than people realize. Especially in a town like this. Single woman with no ties meets a single man with no ties. They hit it off and decide to run away together. Start a new life somewhere else.”

“If that’s what happened, there should still be a trail,” Jenna pushed on. “Credit card transactions, a canceled rent agreement on Stella’s apartment. I mean, what about the guy? Where did he live?”

“He owns a house here in town. Neighbors haven’t seen or heard from him since he left. But again, that doesn’t equal foul play. They could be using cash to stay under the grid. Hell, for all we know, they’re both happy as clams and living it up on a beach somewhere.”

“Doesn’t sound to me like you know much of anything.”

“Jenna.” Adrian put a hand on her leg.

“No.” She shook her head. “This isn’t right, Adrian. Someone should be looking for her. And this guy…what if he’s the one who took her? He could be some sort of serial killer or something.”

“He was a tech at the hospital here in town,” Ben shared more. “Name’s Tim Watson, and trust me when I say, my detectives did a thorough background on the man.”

“How thorough are we talking?” Adrian asked.

Ben’s dark eyes slid to his. “The works. No criminal record, solid work history. Watson even paid his taxes early every year. Guy’s clean as a whistle.”

“So was Ted Bundy.” Jenna arched a single brow.

Adrian noticed the smile teasing the corners of Ben’s lips, but the man cleared his throat and got serious. “Look, Jenna. I appreciate your concern for Miss Gallagher’s safety, and I wish there was more I could do. But unless there’s actual evidence that a crime has taken place, our hands are tied.”

Jenna turned her head, her eyes lifting to his. Even though she hadn’t spoken, Adrian knew what she was asking.

She wanted him to say something that would contradict what Ben had just said. It broke his heart that he couldn’t.

“He’s right, baby.” He took her hand in his and squeezed. “Without some sort of proof that foul play was involved…”

Her disheartened expression told him she understood.

Without a witness or evidence—signs of a struggle or blood, something to prove the Gallagher woman had been taken against her will—there was nothing more that could be done.

“What about the other nurse?” Jenna asked. “I was told there were two who went missing, but one was found.”

“Fortunately, yes. She was.” Ben nodded.

“What happened?” Adrian asked before Jenna could.

“Nothing too surprising, I’m afraid. She went out dancing with a group of friends. They met some guys, she had too much to drink and ended up leaving the bar without telling her friends. Woke up the next afternoon in some guy’s apartment.”

Jenna shook her head as if she wasn’t buying it. “The other nurses said she’d been Copyright 2016 - 2024