Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,41


“Walker,” Ryker greeted him on the first ring. “Didn’t expect to hear from you again, now that you’re a civilian and all.”

“I need a car.” Because he was done putting Jenna’s life in anyone else’s hands but his.

“Where are you?”

The question seemed foreign coming from him. For the past several years, Adrian hadn’t been able to make a move without Ryker knowing exactly where he was and what he was doing.

“Gulfside Harbor,” he clipped before sharing the name of the hotel.

There was a slight pause and then, “What? No Enterprise nearby?”

Adrian gritted his teeth. “Funny.”

“I thought so.” Several clicks from the other man’s keyboard came through the phone and then, “All set. It’ll be delivered within the hour.”


“That’s it? Aren’t you going to tell me—”

Adrian ended the call before Ryker could finish.

A little over an hour later, he and Jenna were sitting on a bench inside the Gulfside Harbor Police Department, waiting to talk with Adrian’s contact.

The guy’s intel had always been solid, and with his recent promotion, Ben would have easier access to the information they needed.

“Tell me again who it is we’re waiting to see?”

Leaning against the brick wall behind them, Adrian turned his head toward Jenna, who was sitting to his right. “Guy named Ben Campillo.”

She nodded, though he could tell the name meant absolutely nothing to her.

“Known him a while.” Leaning over, his shoulder touched hers as he spoke low enough only she could hear. “He’s helped me out before.”

“Oh.” Jenna nodded again. Then her eyes widened, and she drew out another, “Oh.” She waited a beat before shifting on the bench to face him more directly. “Is he…like you used to be?”

“Undercover?” Adrian shook his head. “No. But he provided me with some much-needed intel once.”

“So, he was your snitch.”

For some reason her description made him smile. “Something like that.”

Jenna took a moment to process that bit of news before asking, “You think he knows something about the missing woman?”

Movement over her shoulder caught his eye. With his hands on his knees, Adrian pushed himself to his feet. “We’re about to find out.”

Campillo was walking toward them. He’d put on a few pounds since their last meeting a few years back, his shirt bulging at the buttons in a couple of places. His hair was also a little grayer on the sides.

A native of Gulfside Harbor, Ben had been a beat cop when Adrian was younger. When Bree first went missing, he’d put in hours of his own time helping with the search.

He’d also passed along vital information that had led Adrian to the trafficking ring that had taken her.

“Adrian.” Ben held out his hand. “What’s it been, four years?”

Adrian shook the guy’s hand. “Just over.” With an assessing glance, he took in the guy’s freshly pressed, white shirt. “Congrats on the promotion…Chief.”

“Thanks.” The dimples on Ben’s left cheek deepened with a smile.

He turned to Jenna, who was clearly surprised by his contact’s position within the department.

“Jen, this is Chief Campillo.” To Ben, Adrian said, “This is Jenna Shaw. The woman I told you about when we spoke on the phone.”

“Nice to meet you, Chief.”

Using a bit more grace than he had with Adrian, Ben shook Jenna’s hand. “Please, call me Ben.”

“Okay, Ben.” She smiled.

“Why don’t we go to my office where we can speak more privately.”

“Office, huh?” Adrian slapped the man’s back as they walked. “You really are moving up in the world.”

“Yeah, well that move came with a lot more headaches and paperwork, trust me.”

Down the hall and to the right, they stopped at a door with a nameplate that read Chief Campillo. Ben opened the door, stepping aside to let Adrian and Jenna enter first.

Following them in, he shut the door behind him and motioned to the two leather chairs in front of his desk. “Have a seat.”

Adrian waited for Jenna to sit first.

“I don’t mean to act so formal.” Ben rounded his desk. “But I’m sure you remember how things are here, Adrian.”

He did. “Prying ears and deep pockets.”

“Too many to count, I’m afraid.”

Not surprising. Just like any other border town department, this one had a history of officers and the like being bought off. At least that’s how it was when Adrian still lived here.

“What do you know about the missing nurse?” Jenna spoke up beside him.

Both men turned their attention to her.

“Straight to the point.” Ben smiled. “I like it.”

“That’s good, because I’m not one to beat around the bush, Ben.”

No, she sure as hell isn’t.

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