Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,36

a smile that made him look years younger. “Okay.”

Jenna turned for the bathroom to avoid doing something stupid, like blurting out I love you. She wasn’t sure she was ready to go there yet, but her heart was definitely headed in that direction.

Which was probably crazy, considering they barely knew each other. Still, in some ways she felt like she’d known him forever.

Standing beneath the hot water, Jenna wondered what her psychologist friend would say.

More than likely, Elle would probably say it was just some sort of hero worship thing. That or she’d spout off some other clinical term to explain why Jenna was feeling what she was feeling about a man who was clearly dangerous.

Something other than the fact that she was falling for a man who used to kill people for the government. Who would’ve killed for her if he hadn’t been so worried about hurting her.

That. That right there. That’s why you’re falling for him.

Not the killing part, of course. No, Jenna was falling hard for the man because he wasn’t the uncaring bad boy he wanted everyone to believe him to be.

He could put on a damn good show. She’d witnessed it on more than one occasion. But there was more to Adrian Walker than most people knew.

Almost from the very beginning, she’d seen past the walls he’d built to the man she was now certain existed. If there was any doubt left, they were long gone, now.

Because there was a moment last night—several moments, in fact—when Jenna saw the real Adrian. The man who was attentive and kind. Who put her pleasure before his own. The man who, with a gentle touch and soft caress, had made her believe she truly meant something to him.

You’re mine, now.

Jenna reached up and turned the water to cold. Gasping at the sudden change in temperature, she forced herself to stay under a little longer in order to douse the burning desire she felt for the sexy man.

Like that’s going to work. The guy looks at you and you melt.

The tiny voice may be right, but she pushed those thoughts away and focused on what needed to be done.

First, she needed food. They both did. And then she needed to get to work.

Because Jenna had woken up with an idea—one Adrian was almost certainly going to hate—and she’d wasted enough of the day, as it was.

A few minutes later, she was dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a cream-colored sweater. She had just a touch of makeup on and her hair was gathered in a thick braid that fell over her left shoulder.

With a final glance at herself in the mirror, she exited the bathroom and stepped into a major case of déjà vu.

Adrian stood near the cart—just one, this time—waiting for her return.

“Smells delicious.”

“Eggs, bacon, sausage, and French toast. Hope that’s okay.”

“Uh, more than okay.” Jenna made a beeline for the cart. “French toast is my favorite.”

“Good to know.”

Over the next several minutes, the two of them enjoyed their breakfast while making casual conversation. Rather than dive right into her plan, Jenna used that time to try to learn a little more about the man sitting across from her.

“Tell me something about you.”

Adrian swallowed a bite of scrambled eggs. “Like what?”

“You know, things like where you’re from. What’s your family like? Why you decided to go into the military.”

How you became a super-secret government hitman.

He stared back at her with an unreadable expression. The silence that stretched between them seemed deafening, and Jenna was about to think he wasn’t going to tell her anything when he finally began to speak.

“Not much to tell.”

Okay, so he wasn’t going to make this easy. Well, neither was she.

“Huh,” was all she said.


Jenna shrugged a shoulder and took a bite of her French toast. “Nothing.”

Adrian sat his fork down and folded his hands on the table in front of him. “What?”

“Really, it’s nothing.” She continued acting as if it were no big deal. “I just thought the whole you’re mine speech referred to more than just sex. Guess I was wrong. My bad.”

“The whole…” He scowled. “I was referring to more than sex. I just—”

“Don’t want to share your life with me.” Jenna finished for him. “No, I get it.”

“It’s not that I don’t want…” He sighed, the sound almost that of resignation. “My life before the military isn’t remotely interesting. And after…well, you know what that’s been like.”

“Your life, before during, and after the military, interests me. Because you Copyright 2016 - 2024