Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,35

in the comfort of his strong arms, Jenna had just started to doze off when she felt his lips press against the back of her head.

Then, in a low rumble, he told her, “You don’t ever have to thank me for taking care of you.”

His sweet words were the last thing she heard before falling asleep.

Hours later, Jenna woke feeling more rested than she had in…forever. She stretched, smiling at the way certain muscles felt deliciously sore.

“Sure hope that smile has something to do with me.”

She turned and found Adrian sitting at the room’s small, round table. Dressed in a pair of well-worn jeans and a dark gray t-shirt that did nothing to hide his broad shoulders and sculpted chest, he was drinking coffee and staring back at her in a way that made her wonder…

Has he been watching me sleep?

“Good morning.” She cleared her husky throat and sat up.

The curtains were drawn, so the room was still fairly dark. But from the light seeping through the edges suggested it was well past sunrise.

Jenna frowned.

That couldn’t be right. She’d gotten released from the hospital at like two yesterday afternoon. Then she and Adrian had come here, she’d showered, they’d made love, and then…

Her eyes shot to his. “What time is it?”

He sat his coffee cup down and looked at his watch. “Almost ten.”

“Ten?” She shook her head. “That would mean, I slept for almost—”

“Fifteen hours.” Adrian shrugged. “Give or take.”

Holy shit.

“Why did you let me sleep so long?” She threw off the covers…then remembered she was naked. Pulling the sheet back up to her chest, she stood and yanked it from the bed.

“You obviously needed it.” His heated eyes trailed down the length of her body. “Don’t cover yourself on my account. I rather like seeing you naked.” As casually as can be, he took another sip of coffee.

A ridiculous blush crept up her neck. “I…um…”

Trouble talking, much?

Jenna cleared her throat and started to try speaking again, but her stomach decided to let out an embarrassingly loud growl at the same time.

His lips curved into a sexy half-smile. “Hungry?”

“Starving, actually.” Jenna looked around the room and back to him. “Oh my gosh, the food!” The room had been filled with it last night. “I completely forgot about it.”

“In your defense, you were a little pre-occupied.”

Her heart stuttered from the memories. “Yeah.” She stared back at him. “I guess I was.”

“I ordered breakfast. It’ll be here in twenty. Our flight isn’t until one, so we have time.”


“I booked us on a flight to San Diego. Figured you’d want to get outta here as soon as possible.”

They’d revisit that, but first, “I feel guilty.”

A guarded look flashed across his face. “Why?”

“Because we wasted all that food.”

Was that relief she saw in his eyes? It took her a second to realize he thought her comment about feeling guilty was about him.

She nearly smiled. Jenna felt a lot of things about what they did last night, but guilt was definitely not one of them.

“It didn’t go to waste.”

“Huh?” She shook her thoughts away.

“The food.” Adrian explained. “It didn’t go to waste. There’s a center for homeless Vets a couple blocks from here. While you were sleeping, I called the guy who runs it. He and a buddy of his came and got the food.”

She’d slept through someone coming into the room and taking all the food? Adrian was right. Apparently, her body really did need the extra rest.

“That was nice of you.”

“What can I say?” He winked. “I’m a nice guy.”

Jenna’s insides tingled because, damn. When he winked at her like that, it made her want to drop the sheet and demand a repeat performance.

Instead, she smiled and said, “I’d better go shower and get dressed. Wouldn’t want the guy delivering our breakfast to see me in nothing but a sheet.”

The playfulness that had been in his eyes a second before vanished. “No one gets to see you like this, but me.”

Jenna started to chuckle but stopped when she caught sight of his hardened jaw. “You’re serious.”

“Damn straight, I’m serious.” Adrian got up and stalked toward her. “I don’t share, Jenna. We need to be clear on that. This…” He ran a finger over her collar bone, dipping down to the crevice between her breasts. “You’re mine, now. No one else’s.”

Her breath hitched. “And you?” She studied him closely. “Are you mine?”

“For as long as you want me.”

Oh, my.


It was a totally lame response, but what else could she say?

Adrian’s eyes lit up with Copyright 2016 - 2024