Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,10

his ass. Hell, he probably would’ve burst out laughing if his face hadn’t felt as though it were melting off his damn skull.

One thing that didn’t surprise him, however, was how fucking hot his fiery woman had looked. Especially when she was standing there, yelling and threatening to spray him again.

She’s not yours, dipshit.

God, but he wished she was. He’d never had anyone to call his own. Not the women he used to occasionally hook up with for some mutual catch-and-release and sure as shit not Jenna Shaw.

A fact Adrian had been dumb enough to question.

His life had been going just fine until he’d kidnapped Jenna two months ago in order to help her friend out of a dangerous situation. One look, and he’d been knocked on his ass with lust.

After witnessing Jenna’s spunky attitude and smart mouth that very first time, he knew he wanted her. But when he’d walked in on the fucknut he’d been working with trying to rape her, Adrian saw red.

He’d realized then that what he felt for her was more than mere physical attraction. But despite his newfound knowledge, he’d gone in, got the job done, and left.

Problem was, he kept returning.

Week after week, he’d go to her apartment. Adrian would stand outside, just until he saw Jenna and knew that she was okay. Then he’d leave again.

He thought that would be enough. That knowing he hadn’t completely screwed her up would satisfy the gnawing hunger he felt deep inside.

But the pull he felt toward Jenna grew stronger and stronger. It kept growing until finally, he’d said fuck it and went back again.

Giving in to his incessant need to make sure Jenna really was okay after everything she’d been put through—what he’d put her through—Adrian had gone back to her apartment three weeks ago.

Only this time, he didn’t watch her from afar like all the other times. He’d knocked on her door. To talk. Which they did.

Just not for long.

Honest to Christ, he hadn’t planned on having sex with her that night. Truthfully, Adrian still wasn’t even sure how it all started.

One minute he was asking her how she was, and the next, Jenna was in his arms and his mouth was on hers.

The hours that followed that first, blazing kiss were filled with raw, primal need. She gave and he took. He tasted, and she explored.

In that one night, the woman had given Adrian more pleasure than he’d ever felt in his thirty-two years combined.

So, he’d left.

Not that he’d wanted to. It was just how things had to be.

No matter how many nights he lay awake wishing things were different, wishing she belonged to him, Adrian knew the status quo would never change. Not for a guy like him.

It was that knowledge that drove him away that next morning. From her bed and out of her life.

Memories from that night would be forever burned in the deepest parts of his brain. But unfortunately for him, that’s all he could afford to keep. Sweet, hot-as-fuck memories that left him wanting something he’d never have.

Life really sucked big, hairy balls, sometimes.

Adrian scrubbed hard against his raw face to clear his thoughts before glancing down at his raging hard-on. For half a second, he considered dealing with it himself, but quickly decided against it.

The idea of jerking off with her waiting for him in the other room ranked too damn high on his creep-o-meter.

Ignoring his greedy cock, he rushed to wash the soap from the rest of his body. While he rinsed off, he silently cursed the unfairness of it all.

After the shit he’d done and seen over the years, he’d finally met a woman he could see himself with long-term, yet he’d been forced to walk away. Why?

Because I don’t deserve her.

Any semblance of a normal life with a normal relationship went out the window the second he signed on Uncle Sam’s dotted fucking line. Adrian knew that. Had always known that.

So why did you think this time…or this woman…could possibly be any different?

“Fuck if I know,” he muttered to himself before turning off the water.

Not one to normally let his emotions run wild…or at all…Adrian used the time he spent drying off to regroup. He was here as a favor to Gabe and his wife. Nothing more, nothing less.

Keep piling up the lies up, Walker. It’s what you do best.

With more force than necessary, he tossed the towel onto the floor beneath the floating sink. Ignoring the annoying voice in his head, he threw Copyright 2016 - 2024