Red Heir - Lisa Henry Page 0,35

own name?”

Cue’s breath hitched. “Um. Pl-please, yes. That,” he stammered out, breathless.

Loth hummed to himself, wrapping one hand around Cue’s hard dick. No freckles there, he noted idly. “Relax, sweetheart. You just lie there and let me make it good.”

He got a strangled moan in reply and took it as permission to carry on. He settled his forearm across Cue’s belly, brushing against his razor-sharp hipbone—gods, this boy really did need feeding—and proceeded to kiss and lick at the very head of his cock, gently at first, just enough to make Cue shiver, easing his mouth down slowly, taking his time, caressing the velvet-soft skin with the very tip of his tongue.

Cue let out a squeak, and Loth hummed around the hot length in his mouth, putting every ounce of experience he had to work. Bobbing his head up and down, laving his tongue over the entire length, he used his hand to cup and fondle Cue’s balls in a gentle rhythm. Cue whined and squirmed beneath the hand on his belly, before his hips bucked up and he gasped out, “Oh! Oh!” and came in a flood down Loth’s throat.

The whole thing barely took a minute, and when Loth finally took his mouth away, Cue was staring at the ceiling, jaw slack. Loth couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped him. “Told you you’d like it,” he teased, feeling unaccountably proud.

“That was…” Cue let out a sigh and let his arm flop bonelessly to the side.

“It was, wasn’t it?” Loth agreed easily.

Cue let out a breathless laugh. “Consider me seduced.”

Loth slid up the bed and tilted Cue’s chin so he was facing him. “Do you want to stop, or do you want more?”

Cue’s eyes flicked down the bed to Loth’s cock. “Um, more? I want you to... to fuck me.” His voice shook the tiniest bit, but his tone was sure, and Loth did him the courtesy of assuming he knew his own mind.

“Sweetheart, it would be my absolute pleasure.”

He pulled Cue close and lined their bodies up so they were pressed together, and then he spent some time nuzzling at Cue’s neck just to get him to make those pretty noises again. Cue for his part let his hands roam, fingers gentle as they brushed against bare skin, careful and curious. Loth kissed along his collarbone and flexed the muscles in his back so they moved under Cue’s hands because he had a very nice back and it would be a waste if the boy didn’t get to appreciate it in all its glory.

Loth worked his way down Cue’s ribs, pressing his lips against as much freckled skin as he could find. He slipped a hand between them and wrapped it around Cue’s cock, which was already stirring against his thigh, plumping up beautifully as it came back to life.

Loth climbed out of bed to grab the tiny pot of grease that he always carried in his pants, and when Cue made a curious noise he held it up, head tilted in silent enquiry—are you sure? Cue regarded him silently, and for a split second Loth wondered if he’d changed his mind, but then he rolled onto his stomach, head cushioned on his arms, and with a confidence he probably didn’t feel, said, “Go on, then. Let’s see if you’re as good as you say you are.”

Loth never was one to back down from a challenge.

He took his time, sliding one grease slicked finger in and then adding another, gently easing the young body under him open one whimper at a time, all the while crooning out soft assurances as Cue writhed under his touch. He knew when he’d got the angle right when Cue arched into his touch, panting out, “Oh, gods! Do that again!”

Loth laughed and eased in a third finger, aiming for the same spot, teasing and massaging, not going any further until he heard what he’d been waiting for, a broken, “Pl—please!”

He took his hand away and rolled Cue onto his back. He told himself he wanted to see his face to make sure he didn’t hurt him. If he also had an intense desire to look into those wide green eyes when he sank inside? Well, Loth freely admitted that he’d popped plenty of cherries in his time. There was something so very satisfying about the look of surprise on a boy’s face when he took a cock for the first time, and Loth didn’t want to miss it, that’s all.

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