Red Heir - Lisa Henry Page 0,34

enough to draw a quiet sigh and for Grub to relax against him.


Loth didn’t have many standards, barely any in fact, but he did have one hard and fast rule. “If I’m going to sleep with you, I need to know your name. I can’t keep calling you Grub.”

Grub stiffened. “Why do you need to know?”

Loth ran his fingertips in a line down Grub’s spine and felt him shudder. “Well, I have to know what to whisper in your ear as I seduce you, don’t I?” he said lightly.

Grub relaxed under his touch. After a moment, he said “Cue. You can call me Cue.”

“That’s... certainly a name,” Loth said carefully.

Grub—no, Cue—grinned unexpectedly. “It should be easy enough for you to remember while you’re seducing me,” he pointed out and then, perhaps tired of waiting for the promised seduction, he leaned in and kissed Loth before he could say anything else.

As far as kisses went, it was terrible, all teeth and awkward angles. Loth didn’t care. He tilted his head and pulled back just enough to guide their mouths a little, tasting the tang of salt and sage, revelling in it. Cue (not Grub, not Grub he reminded himself) let out a soft, breathy sound, and when they parted, he was wide-eyed. “Was that—was it all right?”

Loth gave him his most devastating smile. “It was wonderful,” he lied, one arm wrapping around Cue’s shoulders and guiding him across the room towards the bed. “Why don’t we get comfortable, and you can tell me what you want to try?”

Loth gave the tiniest of shoves. The back of Cue’s legs hit the bed, and he sat down suddenly, making the straw in the mattress crunch as he bounced a little.

Cue stared up at him, mouth opening and closing, before he admitted, “I don’t know. I don’t have any idea what I like.” His brow creased, as though he was afraid this was a test and he was failing it.

Loth stepped forward into the vee of Cue’s legs, resting his hands on his shoulders for a moment before gently shoving him backwards so he was lying flat, and crawling up onto the bed next to him. “I’ll tell you what,” he suggested, “why don’t I show you some things I know you’ll like?”

Cue swallowed and nodded dumbly, and what was Loth supposed to do with blind trust like that except lean in and kiss the boy? It was better this time—less urgent, more careful, and Loth felt the thrum of arousal run through him, getting stronger the longer they kissed. Loth had always loved sex in all its forms. He considered himself a considerate lover—partly professional pride and partly because he loved to watch people fall apart. So by rights, he should have been confident. For some reason though, there was the briefest moment where he found himself hesitant, worried he’d mess this up. Don’t be an idiot, he told himself sternly and pushed determinedly through his sudden bout of nerves.

He ran a hand over Cue’s ribs, letting his thumb slide over a nipple, and was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath. So he did it again, his self-assurance returning. He was good at this, he reminded himself. He ran his hands over as much of Cue’s skin as he could reach as he kissed him, drinking in the small noises that the boy let out whenever he found a sensitive spot, taking note for later.

Cue was panting slightly when their mouths parted, and Loth saw with satisfaction that Cue’s cock was fully hard. It was a very pretty cock too, jutting upward from a nest of copper hair. It was long and lean and pale like the rest of him, though the head was easily as rosy as Cue’s flushed cheeks. Loth tugged his own towel off and threw it aside, and didn’t miss the way Cue’s eyes widened at the sight of him naked, nor the way they lingered on his erection.

He did not preen. He did not. He did prop himself on his elbow though, so the boy could get a better look. And perhaps he arched his back the slightest bit to show off the length of his body, splaying a hand over what he knew for a fact was an impressively muscled stomach. It was more habit than anything, but it was still gratifying when Cue breathed out, “Wow.”

“I’m glad you like it, sweetheart.” Loth grinned. “Now, how about I suck your dick til you can’t remember your Copyright 2016 - 2024