Reclaiming Quinn - Parker Williams Page 0,74

mind, and he wouldn’t be deterred from getting to Deke. Quinn was done hiding from the world.

Now it was time to save his.

Chapter Twenty

DEKE HAD lost track of how many people he’d killed. His mouth was filled with the coppery tang of their blood, and it sickened him, but he would keep going until they were all dead and he was back with Quinn. Deke had seen Zach a few times during the melee. Now he was fighting two men at the same time. Each time Deke saw him, Zach was slashing, tearing out throats, and once he punched through bone to crush a chest. The man was a killing machine. If that was what he considered to be fifty percent of his strength, Deke never wanted to oppose him.

There were so many people running around, screaming, Deke regretted not acting sooner. He had no clue how many “buyers” Klein had invited, but in truth, it didn’t matter. They all peddled human flesh, and because of that, they needed to be taken down.

Speaking of Klein, Deke hadn’t spotted him yet. He wanted to find him, to rip out his throat and maybe feast on his heart. Fine, it wasn’t something he would normally ever think about, but this man had hurt—raped—Quinn. Thoughts of vengeance went through Deke’s head as he tackled yet another of the guards, who was shocked that his wolf could move.

“How…?” He tried to put his hands up, but he was too slow. “You’re a cripple.”

Those were the last words he spoke before Deke pounced on him and locked his jaws around the man’s throat, crushing it.

“You fight well,” Zach said as he let his latest victim drop. “I’ve been through this building. It’s larger than I thought, and there are dozens of people here. Many tried to flee, and I took down most of them. I have not seen Klein, nor have I found the room where the humans are.”

Deke couldn’t answer, but he gave a yip to let Zach know he understood.

“We have to find the humans. If need be, Klein can wait for another day, but we need to get them out of—”

Whatever Zach was about to say was cut off by a thunderous boom. A red stain blossomed on his naked chest, and he peered down at the hole that had been blown through it. His gaze went to Deke’s, and his lips trembled a moment before Zach collapsed to the floor.

“How fucking dare you!”

Deke turned to face the voice and found Klein standing there, a gun in his hand.

“I take you in, and this is how you repay me?” He stalked closer, the gun aimed at Deke. “And how can you shift? Ryker said you couldn’t do it any—wait. You’re not Quinn. You’ve been playing me for a fool!” he growled. “Well, I won’t lose any more to you today.”

Klein dropped the gun as his eyes rolled back, and his body trembled as he started the shift. Deke wanted to leap on him, to kill him before he could, but this was a matter of honor. He wanted Klein to look him in the eyes when Deke killed him. Once the shift was complete, Klein stalked toward Deke. He was larger than Deke would have expected, but then again, he was an Alpha. It didn’t matter. Deke would win for Quinn and the murder that Klein had just committed.

Before he could move closer, a scent overwhelmed Deke. No, it wasn’t possible. He couldn’t be here. Deke had to get—

A scruffy wolf, tawny in color, flew through the air and tackled Klein, snapping at his throat. It was Quinn, and he was pissed off. Deke moved to stop him, but Gareth stepped through the door, with others around him who fanned out and went off in different directions.

“Leave him, Deke. This is something Quinn needs to do.”

How could Deke not help his mate? Why wouldn’t Gareth do something to stop it? No, this wasn’t going to happen. He stepped forward, his hackles raised.

“I said leave him,” Gareth growled.

Deke had to resist rolling over to show his stomach as the wave of authority washed over him. He shifted back, and although he wanted to rush to Quinn, he remained still, watching as Quinn lunged again and again, snapping at Klein’s legs. Klein might be stronger, but Quinn was quick. He dodged Klein’s admittedly clumsy attacks over and over again, all the while inflicting heavy damage on his own. Blood trickled down Klein’s side where Copyright 2016 - 2024