Reclaiming Quinn - Parker Williams Page 0,73

and ran a hand over the dark hair.

“I forgot how beautiful you are.”

Sean’s wolf was red—the only one Quinn knew of—but Quinn’s wolf was a tawny brown, with patches of dark blond fur. He knew it was conceited, but when he first shifted, he’d marveled at how he looked.

The wolf whimpered and nudged Quinn’s hand, trying to get him to love on it. He snickered.

“It’s almost like loving myself,” he said, choked with emotions he didn’t really understand. “Maybe that’s it, huh? I’ve spent all these years hating myself for being weak, for not having the strength to stand up for Margaret and the others. I figured if they took you from me, what was left to take.”

The wolf slid closer, trying to climb into Quinn’s lap.

“When Ryker and Kristopher hurt me, I started to wonder if I was even worthy of being a wolf.”

Those dark eyes peered up at him.

“I was worthy. It wasn’t me who abused and killed people. I might not have been a strong wolf, but I wanted to be a good one.”

He rubbed harder, digging his fingers into the coarse fur.

“Why did they have to take you away from me? What did I do to be hurt so badly?” Tears streamed down Quinn’s cheeks. “Me and Margaret, we were children. What did we do that was so wrong?”

Nothing, Quinn. It was my fault. Every bad thing that happened was my doing.


Yes, my darling. You’re at a crossroads now, and you have to decide which path you’re going to take. One way is safe and secure, but it’s without your wolf. The other way is harder and will be filled with harsh realities, but it’s also got your love and family walking beside you. Your wolf is here, Quinn. Like it’s always been, it’s up to you if you want to reclaim him. As you can see, he wants to be with you desperately.

The wolf had its muzzle tucked under Quinn’s chin now. It whimpered, doing whatever it could to be closer to Quinn.

Is it really so simple?

Oh no, love. It’s never going to be simple. My world is complicated, and without me to guide it as I should, I need those who are strong enough to stand their ground for me and for our wolves. Will that be you?

I want to, but Deke….

Deke needs you whole, Quinn. His life depends on it.

What do you mean?

Your wolf can find Deke, no matter where he is. The choice is yours, though. Because as I’ve said, the road will not always be easy.

But Deke will be with me.

Yes. He’s your mate. He will always stand with you, if you allow him.

Quinn wanted nothing more, but he’d been hurt so much already. Could he handle any more? Yes, with Deke, Sean, Gareth, and everyone else with him, he could take whatever life would throw at him and he would come out stronger.

Yes, I want my wolf!

Then claim him! Do it now!

Quinn peered into the eyes he’d stared out of years ago. The ones that saw a world filled with color and vibrancy.

I want you, wolf. I’ve always wanted you, but I was afraid. Please forgive me.

The wolf shimmered; then it began to fade away.

No! I claimed him. Please, Mother, don’t let him leave.

He isn’t, Quinn. He’s returning to where he was always meant to be.

When the wolf faded from view completely, strength surged through Quinn. He was the wolf, and the wolf was him. With the bond reforged, Quinn could sense Deke clearly. He snapped his eyes open.

“I know where they are.”


In answer, Quinn stood and reached deep within himself, calling to his wolf. It roared up and out, his need for Deke speeding the change to less than a heartbeat. He could sense Deke, his fear, his resolve. Quinn moved for the door, determined to get to his mate.

“Lyram, pick him up. Rupert, let’s go. Sean—”

“If you think I’m staying here, you’re nuts.”

Gareth winced. “I was going to ask you to do your best to stay out of trouble.”

“Yeah, good luck with that too.”

They headed out the door and down to the elevator. It was empty when they got on, and stopped only once as it descended. A woman stood there, her mouth open.

“I’ll… take the next one,” she squeaked.

“Good choice,” Gareth rumbled, stabbing at the Close button.

“Sorry about that,” Sean called as the door shut.

When they hurried through the lobby, people stared, but Quinn didn’t care. For the first time in years, everything was clear in his Copyright 2016 - 2024