Reckless - Candace Wondrak Page 0,98

elbowing him on the side.

They were not at my disposal. They were…they were my boyfriends. There was a difference. I cared about each of them so much I could hardly explain it. They each resided in my heart, and there was no way I’d ever willingly let one of them go or get tired of them.

Going to Dante’s motel room this time was worlds different than it had been before. For one thing, I was here of my own volition. Before, the jerk had threatened both me and my mom to go with him, so I didn’t have a choice. Funny how much things had changed in so little time, huh? I guess when you went through shit like we did in Midpark, you tended to form fast bonds with each other. Being surrounded by death and framed for murder made you realize you better live your life to the fullest while you can, because, who knew? Tomorrow you might be one of the dead ones, or locked up because someone wanted to see you hang.

The room was just as I remembered it being, although there was a bit more stuff thrown around it. It was more lived in, I guess you could say.

As I dropped my bag onto the floor, Dante hurriedly stuffed the clothes strewn about on the bed into the dresser, shoving it shut. “Sorry about the mess,” he said, giving me a grin. “I know you’re used to the high lifestyle now, but some of us still like roughing it.”

I laughed. This was roughing it? To me, roughing it was camping in the woods or something. No toilet paper, hardly any cell phone reception, and no chargers anywhere to be seen. This might not be the lap of luxury, but it was still a roof over his head and four walls around him. He could’ve done worse.

Moving to sit on the edge of his bed, I crossed my legs and stared up at him. “Do you think Skull will ever call you back?” I tried not to bring him up too often, especially now that I knew who he was; my curiosity would only fight to get the best of me, and if I wasn’t careful I’d tell Dante to bring me to him right now.

“I’m sure he will,” Dante spoke as he kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket, tossing it atop the dresser. It landed on the small television set, hanging haphazardly off the screen, but he didn’t seem to care. “It’s just a matter of time. I’ve known Skull for years now. I guess you could say he’s kind of like a father to me, too.” He ran a hand through his hair, messing up the longer lengths on the top of his head. “He just needs to cool down.”

“And when he does,” I pause, “will you bring me to him?”

Those icy blue eyes blinked at me, momentarily losing their typical psychotic aura. “Is this you asking me to bring you to him? Babe, I thought you’d never ask.” He practically body slammed me against the bed, my back colliding with the rumbled sheets behind me.

Again, I laugh. I know fighting him off is pointless, know all of my squirming will only serve to get him hard faster, but I didn’t care. Sometimes the fake fight made things even better.

Eventually my struggling caused him to grab both of my wrists and hold them above my head, his lower half pinning mine down. Both of us were already breathing hard, and I could feel my core warming up with need. So much need.

“Remember what I said before?” Dante whispered, his nose grazing my cheek as he nibbled on my earlobe and made me flutter out a ridiculously feminine sigh. “That you’d be begging to be fucked in my bed?”

I wanted to tell him he was wrong, that this wasn’t me begging—that Dante would fuck me long before I stooped to begging him for it—but I didn’t. Instead, I found myself whispering back, “I guess you were right all along, then.” Sugarcoated my words, sultry and low. I hardly sounded like myself. These guys brought out my inner vixen, and it was far too late to try to tame her.

She was out, she was wild, and she wanted everything.

His hands tightened their hold on my wrists, his thumbs digging in a bit harder than was comfortable. I didn’t mind some pain with the pleasure. Dante’s lips traveled to my neck, kissing and using Copyright 2016 - 2024