Reckless - Candace Wondrak Page 0,97

Dante away, saying, “This whole thing requires Jacob to be on board, you know. I don’t think it’s a good idea to piss him off.” I made sure to say it loud enough that Jacob heard; couldn’t have the grumpy one thinking I liked Dante showing off.

Even if, you know, I kind of did.

He let out an annoyed sound, turning to glance at Jacob to mutter, “Fine. Sorry, my man. I meant to keep it all behind closed doors—”

I knew Dante would only say more, so I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward his bike, shooting Jacob an apologetic look. Having all of these boyfriends also meant I had to keep them on their best behavior, especially when they were interacting with each other. If one pissed another one off…I might be required to make some choices I never wanted to make.

Choosing. I really didn’t want to choose. Not now, not ever. Maybe that was selfish of me, but it was the truth. My heart belonged to each and every one of them, and it was a dream to have them all simultaneously, to survive this year and move on with my life with all of them at my side. I knew we’d get to the future if and when we got to it; no point in getting ahead of myself now.

Dante was slow to get on his bike, finally choosing to ignore Jacob’s presence. Jacob started his vehicle up, and Dante did the same to his bike’s engine. I knew Vaughn was somewhere in the parking lot, getting into his family’s limo and telling the driver where to go, and with how badly Dante was gesturing for me to hop on behind him, I bet I knew why.

He wanted me to himself for a little while. I couldn’t blame him. They all wanted to be selfish when it came to me and my time. And my body.

When I got on the bike, I wrapped my arms around his abdomen, feeling his stomach muscles tighten under his shirt. My cheek leaned on his leather jacket, and I met Jacob’s eyes as Dante pulled out of the parking spot. Eventually I had to close my eyes, because riding on a bike and watching the scenery fly by was not my scene. Got a little nauseous, you know.

The motel Dante was living at was on the edge of town. I didn’t even know if it was in Midpark or technically the neighboring city, which meant the school had to have a different address on file for him. And, anyway, Dante was a few years older than me, so I bet all of his paperwork was forged, to some extent. All to get to me, to spend more time with me since Skull wouldn’t let him come back.

Skull…my dad. Would I ever meet him? Did I want to? I supposed that hinged on the fact that I pulled out of this mess alive. Don’t get me wrong, I was rooting for me, but someone else in Midpark clearly wasn’t. Their kill count was at three right now. Three that we knew of. How many more would be dead in a week, a month? Who would survive until graduation?

Those were worries for another time. Right now, I should focus on the muscled man I was holding onto and what we’d get up to in that motel room.

Jacob’s car never lost sight of us, and as Dante parked his bike in a spot in the motel parking lot, Jacob pulled up beside us. Dante and I got off the bike, and he went over to the car, tapping on the glass. Even though I knew he didn’t want to, Jacob rolled it down.

Leaning in the open passenger side window, Dante asked, “Are you coming in or waiting out here?” As he spoke, a sleazy smirk crossed his face, and I knew he only asked Jacob to rile him up. Those two…they had a strange relationship. Then again, some people might say all of this was strange.

“If you think I want to watch you two go at it like rabbits,” Jacob growled out, looking annoyed to the max, “you couldn’t be more fucking wrong.”

Dante shrugged, pushing off the car and wrapping an arm around me as he began to lead me away from his bike and Jacob. “Just thought I’d offer,” he told me. “You know, to be nice. Since we’re all at your disposal—” I only got him to stop saying that shit by Copyright 2016 - 2024