Reckless (Age of Conquest #5) - Tamara Leigh Page 0,121

from his throat since he has made himself one of them more than ever shall this one who has slain Normans. Eventually, they will take me to ground, and he will stand over me as if their triumph is his. And if I give him what he wants, it will be.

“Vitalis.” Nicola's pleading tone grated across his thoughts. Though the party continued to advance, and he made no move to dismount ahead, she feared he would do so—as did his escort who shifted in their saddles in preparation to stop him.

“Is your dog’s collar too tight to give answer?” Daryl called to his back. “Ask your lady nicely and mayhap she will loosen it.”

Jaw aching, Vitalis moved his gaze over the D’Argents riding ahead. They would be the first to respond should the one made their kin do what he ought not, and though Vitalis did not doubt they could overwhelm him, he could do great injury to one or more.

The time draws nigh for Daryl, he counseled. You have only to be patient.

“I thank you,” Nicola said a short while later when he lifted her from the saddle and eased her down his body.

Once more glimpsing the brooch affixed to her gown, he released her the moment her feet touched the ground. “I but await the right time to end him as he ended Zedekiah, my lady. That is all.”

Hurt flashed in her eyes.

My wife’s eyes, he reminded himself. What he wanted was to feel the tips of her fingers in his palm again, not hurt her. “It will be done soon,” he said low, “then we will see what can be made of this marriage.”

More hurt. And greater the realization that words spoken to a woman for whom he felt much should be considered more carefully than those spoken to a man.

“Forgive me, Nicola. It has been an exceedingly long day.”

Her eyes flicked past him to the others who dismounted. “A day you regret?”

“Not all of it,” he said, and because he tried to think how best to explain himself, lost the opportunity to do so when Guarin drew alongside.

“We are to await the king’s return in the hall,” said the one made Vitalis’s brother-in-law.

They did not have long to wait. A half hour after the wedding party was served refreshments, the pound of hooves heralded the return of Le Bâtard and a score of men, which included De Warenne and the prince.

When William entered the hall alone, it was clear something was afoot. As the marriage was hastily arranged and not of great note, it was not expected the king’s return would set in motion a feast hours ahead of supper that would extend to middle night. It was expected the men who had accompanied William would immediately seek refreshments.

Striding across the hall as if he owned it, and this King of England left few in doubt of that, William jerked off his gloves and landed his gaze on Vitalis.

“I understand Baron Wulfrith and Baron Roche have a new brother-in-law,” he said, halting before the table at which Vitalis and Nicola sat center. “And I am told Sir Daryl tried and failed to make much of it.” He pushed his gloves beneath his belt. “So let us satisfy him—and Earl De Warenne who questions my plans for you, Vitalis. And since the hour is good, the weather is good, and I depart ere dawn on the morrow, we do it this day.”

While Vitalis sat very still and the silence of the D’Argent men grew weightier, Nicola's heart beat so fiercely she feared if she did not protest Vitalis and Daryl meeting at swords, once more she would require support as she had in the solar. But then a hand covered hers beneath the table and long fingers pushed between hers and pressed his tips against her palm.

He knows me, she thought. In this fearful moment, that is something over which to rejoice.

William placed his hands atop the table and leaned forward. “Oui, it is your wedding day, but this business needs doing, and as I have only seen my new trainer's skills from afar, I would look nearer upon what I have bought.”

Peering sidelong at her husband, Nicola saw his nostrils flare above lips pressed so hard they were barely visible amid his beard.

“When you prove yourself, as I am certain you shall,” the king continued, “further I shall reward you beyond the keeping of your head and a Norman noblewoman.” He shifted his regard to Nicola. Copyright 2016 - 2024