Reckless (Age of Conquest #5) - Tamara Leigh Page 0,120

vows, but she feared the D’Argent men would be harder to forgive than she. And that was wrong.

The other concern, and the greatest, was that other thing William had offered for Vitalis’s yielding. Though Nicola feared what would eventually come of Daryl’s revenge were it left to its own devices, more she feared what would come of Vitalis’s revenge were it given free rein amid such roiling as he endured.

“I love you, Husband,” she whispered.

He whispered nothing back, but continued to hold her hand—assurance he would at least try to put this day behind them.

Had there ever been such a wedding party?

Vitalis grunted over his pondering. Of course there had. Many were the Saxons wed to Normans to more easily secure lands and the acceptance of those who worked them, but mostly it was Saxon women who were believed in need of an armed escort to ensure the wedding proceeded without interruption.

Where an heiress was concerned, it was feared her people would try to prevent a Norman from claiming a prize that should be given to one of their own. Where Vitalis was concerned, it was feared he would once more turn fugitive—just enough doubt, the same as that sealing little Ardith’s fate, that William ensured this Saxon wed this Norman.

Wasted resources, Vitalis silently scorned and met Nicola’s gaze as he settled her atop her palfrey, then he turned to his horse flanked by William’s men and swung into the saddle.

As the entourage began the return journey, he was struck by the feeling of being watched from afar and saw the eyes were those of the woman at market who had been generous with foodstuffs and information about the happenings at Red Castle.

The identity of the one she had been feeding was merely confirmed, but lest she fear this rebel leader now wed to a Norman and answerable to the conqueror might reveal he had been entrusted with her knowledge, he gave a slight shake of the head.

She smiled tentatively and hastened away. Hopefully, she would be well with one or both her daughters departing the Fenlands should William grant Nicola’s request to pass wardship of Ardith to Lady Chanson and also take one or two women with whom the girl was familiar. It had to be better to serve as a lady’s maid and companion distant from home than a plaything of men which would usher more illegitimate children into the world.

Red Castle was not far, but the dirt road was more dusty than when they traversed it earlier, the day’s heat having sucked the moisture from the ground. Several fell to sneezing, including Nicola whose forceful exhalations sounded like the squeak of a mouse compared to gruff barks and shouts.

The castle’s outer portcullis was raised well in advance of their arrival, the fortress having been erected on ground that allowed the watch to see distant in all directions—as well as Daryl who set a hand on his sword hilt as he came off the gatehouse steps.

In the hours since confusion disfigured his scabbed face as Vitalis, well-groomed and unbound, passed through the hall accompanied by the D’Argent men, the traitor had learned his enemy was to keep his head. And wed. Had he hated Vitalis before, that which he now exuded seemed more dangerous to himself than the one upon whom he wished to unleash it, especially if it lost him the hope of heaven.

Lord, let it not lose me that hope when we face each other, Vitalis silently beseeched the one resistant to his prayers. A fair fight to the death in defense of my person is all I want. Even if it proves my own end.

“The leader of the Rebels of the Pale who has slain many Normans returns a married man,” Daryl announced as he halted. “Who would have thought he could be turned and leashed by a Norman lady?” He chuckled. “Who the greater traitor now, eh?”

It was good Vitalis was not entrusted with sword or dagger, though he did not think it would be difficult to gain a blade from one of his escorts. Now was not the time to avenge Zedekiah. Not only must he be straighter of mind and, as much as possible, in control of this churning, there was Nicola. Now that she was his responsibility, even less he could afford to be rash.

“Who?” Daryl tried again to rouse his enemy. “Not I!”

He seeks to further shame me, Vitalis thought. He knows if I attack, William’s men will keep me Copyright 2016 - 2024