Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,70

it was time to go have sex with my teacher, and the man who was now my lover again, and I was sure would destroy me. Again.

Maybe Izzy wasn’t wrong about that darkness.

I stared at the note for several moments and pulled out my phone, my heart hurting when I realized I didn’t even know where his campus apartment was. Did that make me a bad lover or him?

Or was I fixating on stupid stuff when he had a room at my house he’d called home and didn’t care about his place on campus? Yeah, probably that.

Tamsin: Got your note. Don’t think that’s smart. Can I come over with Portal Chow or something?

Craftsman: You’re always welcome here and I can cook for you, love. I think the other matter will be fine until we’re ready. There’s no rush or danger that people would immediately notice.

That wasn’t true since some people could sense the magic of charms just like I could when people wore telepathy blocking charms.

Tamsin: It’s fine. I’m in the mood for Chinese if you’re game?

Craftsman: Always. You know which is mine?

Tamsin: No, and I need to shower. Could you pick up the food and I’ll portal to you once you’re back in your apartment? Is that okay?

Craftsman: Of course. Whatever you want.

I frowned at my phone. That didn’t sound fair. It sounded off. Did he think I’d change my mind if he didn’t agree to Chinese or wouldn’t pick up Portal Chow? I sighed, my brain unable to figure out the minds of men. I quickly sent back a message thanking him and hurrying to order. I forwarded the details—careful not to order all I wanted so he didn’t carry a ton from the student union—and got in the shower.

And almost broke down crying as I showered for sex I wasn’t ready for. I mean, I wanted Julian. I’d always wanted him. I simply wasn’t emotionally ready to go back there with him.

I couldn’t have uncomplicated sex with the man I was so deeply in love with and had broken me like he had. Call me crazy, but I wasn’t a robot.

Somehow I managed to keep it together, wondering how much this would scar me or set us back from moving forward, and finished getting ready. I kept my clothes and makeup casual. I dried my hair because it was cold out and he deserved better than my showing up like a drowned rat without putting in any effort.

My phone beeped that he had the food and was back in his apartment right as I finished. I took a few deep breaths and opened a cloaked portal to him, stepping through it and into a small studio apartment like Mel had. I immediately threw up a barrier no one would feel so we were covered and none of the other talented teachers around would hear us or sense me.

“This isn’t nearly as much food as you probably need,” he grumbled as he set it all out from the delivery box.

“I didn’t want you to tease me for overeating again,” I joked, looking around and thinking the space was very much like him. It was inviting, but chic and full of books. Everything Craftsman was could be how one described an apartment.

“I apologized for that,” Craftsman whispered.

I did a double take when I glanced at him. “You did. Sorry.” I let out a slow breath. “Sorry. I just didn’t want you to drag it across campus when I asked you to pick it up.”

“You need to recharge after unfreezing others,” he muttered. “We can order more or I can cook for you too.”

“It’s fine.”

He didn’t answer, finishing his task and setting the box on the side of the tiny two-seater. “I’m sorry too. I’m nervous.”

I nodded, knowing the feeling. “Let’s eat.”

He grabbed my arm when I moved closer, waiting until I looked at him. “I love feeding you. I adore watching you eat. That was why I thought teasing you about how much you eat was ever acceptable. I never meant to make you feel picked on or all alone. Some of my favorite memories with you are us enjoying food and you eating. I’ve never once thought you eat too much or judged you for it.”


“Hear me on this because I’m serious,” he begged. “You appreciate every ounce of food the way most never do. You’ve been without food and even after years of being able to eat when you want, you still appreciate it. You watch the Copyright 2016 - 2024