Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,45

can join us,” I promised. “It’s just a time out.” I smirked when Lucca snorted. He’d voted for the fae dogs to eat the dark prince when I’d filled him in on what was going on.

It had been tempting for sure.

Larson pushed the speed and Craftsman had no problem keeping up. Luckily, it wasn’t all the far and the moment we stopped, I couldn’t get to the portal fast enough. I hurried to take Cluym’s hand again, scared out of my mind and excited all in one big ball of spiraling energy even as I needed fuel.

I fired up the portal and about dragged him through, pulling him along as I showed him the way. When we entered the kitchen, I saw Darby sitting at the table with Geiger and Claudia, my heart swelling even as I had no idea what to say. “Geiger.”

He turned to me with a smile, but then his eyes went wide and he stumbled to his feet, rubbing his chest as he took in a shaky breath. “Am I hallucinating?”

“No, my love,” Cluym choked out. “I came back to you. I’m so sorry, Adrian.”

“None of it matters as long as you’re safe,” Geiger whispered.

I let go of Cluym’s hand and he about flew across the kitchen to the dragon. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed with so much love that everyone in the room could feel it.

Leaning against the wall, I covered my face and started crying. I’d wanted this moment since I’d learned Geiger’s mate had been trapped. I’d sworn I would bring the three of them their mates, and I finally could get at least one of them. I could finally deliver someone the one they loved and heal some of all this pain.

Lucca hugged me and kissed my hair. “You did it, kitten. You did it.” He murmured comfort as I nodded, the tears still coming. “You’re depleted and need to eat.”

“And you need to get your hands off our princess,” that guy warned, his tone ice cold and dangerous.

“You unfroze more than one,” Darby worried.

“It was an accident,” I sighed as I pulled away from Lucca and squared off with the guy. “Look, you guys need a lot of catching up and I don’t know you. So everyone just chill.”

“Men are not allowed to touch the royals and certainly not the heirs when you are betrothed and—”

“I am not betrothed to that asshole!” I bellowed, shocking everyone, the fairy doing a double take. “I’m not. I don’t care how things were done or what promises were made on my behalf. And I don’t fucking answer to you, so stuff your shit and chill the fuck out.”

“You’re crashing,” Dean White worried. “That seemed easy, but it was a lot of power. Where is the food? She needs it and we need to get more. Now.”

“On it,” Izzy said the same time as Lucca.

Darby was already setting out tons of everything all on the counter, ignoring how the fairies were leery of him. He, Claudia, and Craftsman offered to get more from a few fast food places that had portals right next to them—as we knew from lots of experience when I needed food immediately—and headed out.

“Cluym, you really do need to eat,” I said gently when all he seemed to want to focus on was Geiger. “Neldor wouldn’t admit it, but even he had a hard time when he was unfrozen.”

“Yes, please, eat,” Geiger pushed. The dragon came over to me and kissed my hair. “Thank you. Thank you so much for this.”

“I keep my promises.” I cleared my throat. “Neldor found him. He worked to clear areas and found him so I’d be motivated to work harder again instead of feeling defeated after I…” I shook my head. Right, strange fairies in the room. “He’s not going to be happy when he gets here. I didn’t mean to unfreeze this many. We need a plan. Fast.”

“Are we it, Princess?” one of the fairies who hadn’t spoken yet asked quietly.

I nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry. So far, you’re all I’ve been able to unfreeze. The world is… There’s been a lot of change in the twenty years you’ve been locked in Faerie. As much as I’d want to bring all of your loved ones in this world here—we’re in trouble. I’m in serious danger.”

“Then Faerie clearly made the right decision unlocking four of the Light Guardians to help,” that first fairy told me. He dipped his head to me. “I Copyright 2016 - 2024