Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,44

into Faerie to push back the darkness. It was easy, so easy. I actually blinked down at my setup and couldn’t hide my shock. I was wiped and it had taken a lot, but it was… I finally believed Neldor that I was made to do this. My blood was part of the spell my mother had cast to help or whatever.

I snapped out of it when I felt magic surge in front of me.

Lucca didn’t hesitate though, using the charm I’d given him to lock Neldor in a barrier of my magic so the dark prince couldn’t break it. We all knew he was going to use this moment when I was wiped to take control of what was going on.

No fucking way. I was not letting him take control of anything, especially not when I was involved.

“Cluym, Cluym, it’s okay,” I comforted as I jumped to my feet. I moved closer to the handsome dark fairy whose eyes were wild with panic. “Call your magic. It’s okay. You’re okay.” His gaze locked with mine and the fear got thicker. I didn’t know what else to do, so I blurted out what came to me first. “Adrian is waiting, Cluym.”

“Adrian?” he coughed, his magic ramping down. “He’s here?”

“No, at my house. I’ll take you to him, okay? He’s been waiting.” I blinked back tears. “He’s been waiting a long time for you, Cluym.”

He rubbed his throat and nodded, giving me a confused look. “Who are you?”

“Tamsin Vale.” I swallowed loudly when he did a double take. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re grown,” he rasped, closing his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Adrian.”

“He needs you. He’s missed you so much. Let’s go see him.” I held out my hand to him, glad when he opened his eyes and took it.

“Yes, thank you, Princess.”

I ignored that, relief filling me that I’d managed to make this happen.

“Tamsin!” Izzy squeaked. “Tams, you overdid it again!”

I glanced over my shoulder at her and my eyes went wide as I felt more magic flare. “Oh, fuck.”

“Yes, it seems we were wrong on the level of magic it takes to unfreeze a fairy,” Dean White grumbled. “That was the level it took to unfreeze Prince Neldor.”

“We should have realized it took more to unfreeze such a powerful fairy,” Instructor Larson bitched.

“Why? That’s not logical,” I defended. I shrugged when he shot me a dry look. “Okay, it is, but it could have gone either way. We get a pass on this shit.” I dropped Cluym’s hand and moved closer to the four other fairies who were also unfrozen. “Call your magic, but know it’s not lost. You’re safe and I’ll explain everything.”

“Who are you?” the one with the most magic snarled, not backing down when the others started to.

“Tamsin Vale. I unfroze you, so chill out, and let’s get you food because you’re going to need it and fast.”

Izzy snorted. “Yeah, we gotta get a ton more. We only got gobs for Cluym.”

“Princess Tamsin?” the light fairy whispered, instantly shutting down his power. “Is it truly you?”

“I’m Tamsin Vale,” I repeated, holding up a hand to cut him off. “You guys are going to need fuel and fast. I know it’s a lot, but you’ve been frozen a while. I’m sorry, but we weren’t planning for all of you, so let us help you. Everyone here can be trusted.”

“Except you have Prince Neldor in a barrier,” one of the other fairies worried.

“He deserves it,” I drawled, rolling my eyes and going back for Cluym. “It’s going to be cramped in the vehicles since we have more, but we’ll take you to Adrian.”

“Yes, please,” he whispered, more than ready to see his mate.


His willingness to move things along and come with us seemed to push the others—who I thought were all light fairies from their lighter tones of hair color and eyes—and we got in the vehicles. The fairy with the most power demanded to be in the same vehicle as me, which I found odd, but let it go. Poor Izzy had to sit on Zack’s lap in the other SUV.

And I almost died of laughter as Dean White did the same on Ray’s so we all fit.

“Not one word,” she said from the front seat.

“I wouldn’t have thought of it,” I muttered from where I sat on Lucca’s lap.

“I don’t mean to question you, but you’re going to leave Prince Neldor in a barrier there, Princess?” Cluym worried.

“Only until the energy of the charm wears out, and then he Copyright 2016 - 2024