Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,32

can’t sense whatever you’re talking about. I don’t have an awesome nose or whatever.”

“I understand,” he comforted. He gently ran his fingers over my leg. “You know assholes. I get it.” He kissed my shoulder when I nodded. “Did they touch you like this?”

“I don’t—”

“Close your eyes and think back to them,” he murmured as he ran his nose along my neck. “How did they touch you? Was it like this?”

I didn’t really want to think back to the jerks I let use me… Which really told me the answer without having to do as he asked, but I still did. “No.”

He kissed down my collar bone and along my breasts. “What does this make you feel?”

I didn’t know how to answer. Everything that came into my melted brain sounded stupid.

“I feel sexy when you kiss my chest,” he offered. “I feel amazed someone as awesome as you wants me. It makes me want to flex and workout more so I’m always at my best for you.”

My eyes popped open and I stared at him. “Really?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, really. I love the way you check out my abs and lick your lips. I’ve doubled my ab workout since second semester last year when I would take off my shirt sparring with you so I’ll never lose my eight pack and your attention.”

For some reason, that made me feel ridiculously special. It seemed almost shallow but not, and flattering. “Yeah?”

“Yeah, kitten. And when you run your nails over my stomach? Fuck. You slide your hand in my pants or shorts and run your nails down there, and I fucking lose my mind. It’s not about the hormones or getting hard. You want me. It’s not a power trip or cheap that I get hard for you. You love getting me riled up because it’s awesome between us. It’s fire and fun and everything good.”

I nodded as he kissed my nipples, arching my back to give him all the access he wanted. “You shiver and lean into me, sniff me and growl like even my scent is what you need. I love that.”

“It’s true. I smell you and I feel better. I know you’re near and we’re us. Don’t you feel that when you’re around me? I know you do… Never mind.”

Hudson. He wanted to talk about feelings and mates but not cross the line again. I sighed. “It’s all a jumbled mess, Lucca. I don’t mean to put salt in the wound or bring up old shit, but what I said to your bear is true. I’m sorry, but it’s not even been a year, and what Mason did to me was…”

“I know,” he whispered, kissing my stomach. “I know, kitten. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I made it worse. You’re not bringing up old shit. It’s not over for you.”

“No, it’s not,” I rasped, glad at least he could understand. It helped me feel we were on the same page of something. “I bonded with River fast like I did your bear, and things never got messed up with River. I heard him like a person and never you, which I get now, but that was a different level then.”

“I get it. I do. I think my bear does now too. I didn’t realize he was so upset about how you treat River, named him and not my bear.” He sighed. “I’m all jumbled too, Tams. None of this is easy. From the moment I spanked you and fucked up, you’ve been slipping away. I get it now. I’ve been an Alpha douche that was gripping tighter to keep you and… I fucked up.”

I pushed up on my elbows and stared down at him. “This is why bears do this, right?”

He frowned. “Do what?”

“Freak out to grovel to their mates this way.”

He slowly shook his head. “I don’t get it.”

I gestured between us. “We’re talking like this. We’re talking like post-sex chill because—well, we’re naked and we’ve been intimate. It’s not all better and I haven’t forgiven you, but there’s no way we’d be talking like this otherwise.”

He gave me a soft smile. “You are so fucking sexy.”


“I never thought of it like that, and I am a bear. I love how smart you are. It’s fucking sexy.” He didn’t give me a chance to reply, pushing up and kissing me with all he had before worshipping his way down my body until he got to the best place to kiss.

After several more orgasms, I needed a break, floored he Copyright 2016 - 2024