Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,31


“Orgasms instead of flowers?” I mocked.

“Yes,” they said together.

“Let him take away your stress,” Hudson pushed. “Let him taste you.” He cleared his throat and I squirmed a bit.

“And? What else did you want to say there?”

“I want to know he fucked you all day and never finished. He’ll take care of you for days. He’ll keep going and going as much as you want to show you how much he wants you happy and taken care of. That’s hot.”

Shit, it was.

“But it doesn’t make me feel like we’re more than sex and he values me,” I whispered, hating that I’d admitted that out loud.

“We’re more than that, kitten,” he promised as he kissed along my stomach and then my hip. “I’m not trying to cheapen you and get off. I want you to feel treasured as I take care of you like I should have been.”

“So you were selfish and now I get to be?” I grumbled, not understanding as my mind turned to what he was doing to my body.

“Exactly,” Hudson chuckled. “Just like you eating the treats he gave you didn’t mean he was forgiven and all was better—him eating you again and again shows how much he cares. It’s not caving or condoning his bad behavior to accept.” He snickered when I groaned at the idea of that many orgasms from Lucca’s talented tongue. “Let him show how devoted he is to you, my princess.”

“Damn you both.”

Lucca kissed lower where my leggings were ripped. “Say yes. I’m being too pushy, and I don’t want any misunderstandings later.” He sniffed me intimately. “You smell so good. I want to taste you. I want to love on you and show how sorry I am.”

I shivered, hissing out my acceptance. Assholes.

“Smack him around while he pleases you,” Hudson moaned from the phone.

“Are you—”

“Of course I am,” he chuckled, not even giving me the chance to ask.

“You’re both pervs,” I bitched, gasping as Lucca’s tongue did that flipping thing I loved. “I’m not smacking him when I’m enjoying this.”

“No, verbally. Tell him what he’s done wrong.”

I almost did, saying something about how he’d better use that tongue that he let wag to say so much crap to please me … But even thinking it made me not want to play anymore. I pulled away and Lucca felt my upset or change in attitude.

“That’s not her thing,” he growled. “She doesn’t enjoy the fighting. Sparring, yes. Fighting, no. She wants happy. I’m giving her happy.”

And then he went back to feasting.

The first two orgasms took me by surprise, the third almost made me forget, but the fourth wracked me with guilt and I pulled away. I quickly scooted by the bed, shaking my head. “I can’t do this.”

“I want to do this,” he whispered as he slowly moved towards me with the grace of a predator. “I want my mate happy and sated. I hurt you. You’ve been hurting because of me. Sex and orgasms won’t fix it, I know that. You feel more than that. I know you do. You felt how much I crave you, and not just physically, Tamsin.”

Did I? Did I know how to feel that?

No, no I didn’t. I shook my head.

“No, you don’t feel it or you can’t feel it?” he murmured as he moved over me.

I swallowed a yelp as he picked me up and put me on the bed, joining me and sliding me to the middle of it. “I don’t… I don’t sense that stuff like you guys do.”

“Never? You’ve never felt that?”

I looked away as he settled over me. I swallowed loudly and nodded. “Not like you’re talking about but… I knew I was giving part of my soul. I could feel my soul with him when we made love. I thought I felt his soul touch all of me and the depth of his love for me when he—when we were intimate like that. I feel that part of my soul in him and long for it.”

“Craftsman,” he said, not making it a question.

So I didn’t answer or confirm it. There was no reason to.

“There’s nothing extra you sense?” he checked.

I sighed, scrubbing my hands over my face. “I don’t ever know what I’m doing, Lucca. Sometimes I get gut feelings. I sense a lot of what I know. I know malice. I know predators. I know a lot of what Neldor is always feeling because I’m used to assholes. I don’t know much of the good so no, I Copyright 2016 - 2024