Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,20

goal was when I could hit that level in one shot, I was ready to try and unfreeze someone again. Safely. That was the part they were repeatedly stating.

Good. I wanted to do it safely too.

“What are we planning to do with the power in the reservoir each time I try?” I asked when there was a lull in the conversation.

“Don’t,” Darby warned Neldor when the dark fairy opened his mouth to say something that was clearly going to be shitty from whatever Darby sensed.

“We would like to put it in certain magical items Katrina acquired for us so we have better access to power in an instant should we need it,” White answered after a moment, glancing at Larson and Craftsman. “And I want to strengthen the wards at the havens and sanctuaries.”

“The new talk that I’m brainwashing supe women into wanting things they shouldn’t and it’s degrading their society?” I checked. I nodded when several people sighed. “Yeah, I’ve heard, even with finals going on. It’s good stuff. Sure, protect them however we need.”

I listened to them discuss the best ways to handle that and possible ways to clap back against the assholes running their mouths. I didn’t think much of that would work since they weren’t willing to go to the mat and risk pushing buttons that could get us in trouble. I understood that, but to assholes, that would seem like us yapping in the wind, and that would do more damage than good.

Once I was done with the gobs of food, I ate the four bars Irma had brought me. My magic flared to a higher level while any emotional and mental exhaustion I was feeling was wiped away. The jolt of strength they gave me was exactly what I needed. I felt as if thousands of light fairies were standing behind me with their hands on me to give me their support and strength to take on the challenges I needed to.

And I would not let them down. Not ever.

I wiped my mouth and stood, shooting Irma a smirk. “Could you make some popcorn for Izzy? The pack can keep everyone warm outside.”

“Already done,” she chuckled, showing the air popper was going.

“Oh boy,” Izzy purred, going over to help.

I had something else to set up on my phone, syncing it up to the house speakers. I let out a whistle as I stepped outside, knowing Chief and the pack would come out from the garages and seconds later, they were racing towards me. I pulled off my sweater and set it on the table, leaving me in a sports bra and leggings, not worried about the freezing weather given I was going to get a workout.

“I’m ready to have that talk,” I informed Neldor as I loaded up Demi Lovato’s “Confident” and set my phone on the table.

He let out his normal heavy, demeaning sigh as he stormed over to me. “I meant an actual talk and—”

My fist colliding with his face shut him up. “No, you mean lecture, where you talk down to me, and I’m at my limit with that shit. So you got your say about how far behind I am, but I also haven’t been showing you everything. It’s time we talk and you get a better feel of how things really are.”

I didn’t give him a chance to respond, spinning on my foot and kicking him in the head before sending him flying with a power clap. Then I used my barrier to bring him right back and shove the heel of my hand up into his nose.

He recovered from his shock and realized this was really how things were going to go. He reached out to strike me or at least grab me to stop my next attack, but crashed his hand into my barrier, snarling in pain. Neldor jumped away and threw up his own barrier, smirking at me as if to say we were at a stalemate then.

But I wasn’t nearly so quick to give up, even if I couldn’t get through. I thought the rune for electricity and focused the energy into whips like I had when I’d fought the Underground months ago. I lashed them out and cut slashes into his barrier, shredding it until it fell.

The shock on his face was priceless.

Sending him flying again and using the rune to break bones to take out his legs was even better. His eyes couldn’t hide how he never thought I’d go there.

He’d heal.

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