Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,19

ten at the most and not at the same time.”

“Which is a kind way to say the main branch of Craftsmans used the system to get their mating candidates a chance to seduce me,” Julian muttered from the stove. “It wasn’t until the fifth that I caught on and recognized her from the profile I’d been sent. I did immediately shut down the flirting and reported them when I learned they had finished their educations.”

“Yes, so in reality, they helped us collect a full year of fees to pay for what the school needs, but got booted for their bad behavior,” White added. “The one handling the complaints against his attitude wasn’t someone who knew the situation or really cared about witch-warlock politics. That made it harder to put it all together.”

“But I made it clear that I wasn’t on the market and involved with someone,” Craftsman said quietly.

“Oh? Who is she?” I mocked, smirking at him as I took a sip of juice.

“The woman I love very much and has not just my heart, but my soul, and I’m trying to win back anyway I can, no matter how long it takes,” he whispered as he kept my gaze.

Larson groaned deeply. “That explains so much. Well, this is a fucking nightmare.”

“You’re a bit late to catching on there, mate,” Izzy teased him. “Even I figured it out faster than that. Well, Mel busted them, but yeah, you’re late there.”

“They hide they’re in love normally, as they’re always watched at school,” he defended, gesturing between us. “But she’s not wearing any charms or runes—neither is he—and they both flare up bright as can be with love and so much pain, it’s obviously serious between them, like mates.”

“Apparently,” Neldor bit out. “And he can piggyback her magic which can be explained a few ways. Though to him, it means they’re mates, but that’s not how fairies gauge it.” He smirked at me as if he was shitting on my love or something, but I simply rolled my eyes.

“Oh no, you might argue with what fate wants for me. Not that. I would never go against fate or even what my own parents sold me into. I’m devastated.” I snorted and focused on my breakfast.

It was several beats before anyone reacted, Ray letting out a huge belly laugh and the others joining in after they got over their shock.

“How do fairies gauge it?” Craftsman asked him when people settled down.

“Don’t ask him important stuff like that,” I interjected. “And certainly not when it involves me. I’m not falling into his pace or getting indebted to him for any answers, especially when I won’t trust what he says.”

The sound of cracking filled the room and then the glass in Neldor’s hand broke. “That’s why you didn’t ask me anything about our people last night.” He ground his jaw when I kept eating and didn’t respond. “You asked me about their mates. I found Cluym to help you push past all you’re dealing with.”

Zack snorted. “Yeah, you’ve been that amiable how many times in the weeks since she saved you? There’s more to this. You have a play up your sleeve and are using this to your advantage.”

I gestured to Zack with my fork as if to say I completely agreed and had already figured that out.

“I found someone who would be neutral and you asked about first who—”

“Save it, Neldor. You already showed your hand last night. I’m not going to fight or bicker about this with you. It’s counterproductive and I’m not spending time on it.”

“No, we are going to have a discussion about this since you’re being unreasonable. Again.”

I pursed my lips and bobbed my head before glancing at the bars and then looking at Irma. She was bright red and gave me a firm nod, the other hobgoblins nodding as well.

Glad we were all in agreement.

“I’m so confused,” Izzy admitted as Craftsman brought over more food for everyone.

“I suggest you simply grab your popcorn and enjoy the show,” White muttered as she tucked into her breakfast.

It wasn’t bad advice and seemed to amuse everyone else there.

I kept eating as I listened to White, Larson, and Craftsman explain how they’d assessed the magic of the spell on each fairy. After some debating and several scans using different magical items, they came to a conclusion about how much magic it would take to unlock one fairy.

And they’d found me a much larger reservoir that would hold the same amount of magic. The Copyright 2016 - 2024