Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,113

more killing each other. Not while I’m alive, even if I have to kick every fairy’s ass to make it happen.”

The three of them were gobsmacked at my announcement, Taeral finding his voice first. “You might need to if you want that dream to become reality.”

I threw back my head and laughed as I headed for the door. “I can always use a sparring partner--or fifty.”

“She will definitely not be like any queen we’ve ever had,” Iolas muttered as I left the room. His tone didn’t seem as if he was sure that was a good or bad thing.

I wasn’t sure I cared since I hadn’t said I’d actually accept the job yet.

They maybe should remember that instead of assuming it was a given.


The next part of my fun day was seeing more progress. I got to see how the fairies were doing in the hotels and how the expansions were all going. Then it was the havens and how all the hobgoblins I’d rescued were settling in. That made my heart hurt as I desperately wanted to rescue the rest and pushing that back had made me cry in my sleep many, many nights.

I knew I couldn’t do it everything all at once, but I wanted to fucking try at least. Fine, I would only hurt myself doing it, but we had to do better.

We just had to.

As if knowing my mood had taken a turn, the next stop was a massive spread of all my favorite takeout and something planned at my home theater. It was Julian’s turn for the present, from the way he was so excited, Lucca, Darby, and Hudson joining us on the sea of floor pillows instead of the huge sectionals.

It took me a moment to understand it was so we could all lounge and lie together… And Izzy had clearly purchased them, so she was in it. It was her classic and perfectly coordinated style. I’d have to thank her later as it was perfect.

“I used your account for all the food since you’d get mad I spent my salary feeding you,” Craftsman muttered as we started getting everything out.

“I did buy something coming, but it’s special,” Darby interjected.

“But my present is actually something else besides coordinating your feasts of all feasts.”

“Not sure I have anywhere to put all of this after the massive brunch and all the samples from the bakery,” I muttered as my eyes ate up the feast.

The four of them shared a glance and burst out laughing.


Not really, but they weren’t wrong either.

“There better be gyros for this abuse,” I grumbled, holding out my hands and curling in my fingers like a petulant child.

“Of course, love,” Craftsman chuckled, putting three huge containers in my grasp and stealing a kiss. “But I have something you’ll like even better.”

I was skeptical of that since there was a place we’d found a while ago with the best gyros like, ever. I hurried to open them and dive right in, barely noticing as he turned on my system and what he was putting on as I moaned in bliss.

“We warn you this feed is coming in live, streamed over social media,” a voice said from the TV.

I glanced up when I sort of recognized the voice as one of the supe news broadcasters and frowned when the picture was bouncing all around as if someone was running. My eyes went wide as the camera leapt over a huge wall with ease like I didn’t think even Hudson could do. I’d only seen the fae dogs do… I dropped my gyro as my brain caught up to what I was seeing.

“The GoPro’s are picking up the live footage as fae dogs are breaching estates all over Africa where hobgoblins are being kept against their will,” another commentator said, the screen splitting into several feeds. “We received the tip moments before they went live all over our social media.”

“Stop right there!” a guard shouted as he pulled his gun on the dog. He didn’t get the chance to fire, another fae dog from the pack crashing into the man and a few of the other guards. It turned on its flames in warning as the dog with the GoPro continued on his way.

I assumed the one with the GoPro was he since all my Alphas were male and if I had to guess, they were the ones in charge of this. It seemed a good assumption.

But honestly, the female fae dogs I knew would be Copyright 2016 - 2024