Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,112

of focused priorities and determination any royal would be proud of. This has to be relevant to…” He blinked at the page and then at me.

“You’re seeing what I did?” I checked.

“Maybe,” he hedged. “This speaks of building the vast power because of a rare alliance between light and dark fairies.”

“Yes, it does,” I agreed. “What if we weren’t erecting a barrier or glamour, but pushing life and power back into Faerie? It could maybe work, right? I mean, the theory isn’t that far off?”

He looked at the book again and quickly read several paragraphs, slowly shaking his head. “No, you’re definitely not wrong, Princess. I think you are absolutely correct that if we applied this theory of power gathering, we could pump vast power into Faerie and revive her well ahead of our best estimates. We need more information on how this yin-yang power-building theory works though.”

“Then we start focusing on paths to both our royal libraries,” Iolas suggested, reading over Taeral’s shoulder. “I believe this is a much better idea than our groups focusing together with larger reservoirs, Your Highness.”

“Good,” I sighed. “I was worried it was stupid and completely off and I would waste our time.”

“While your education is lacking—through no fault of your own—and your ideas might be too fanciful of hope people will be good, your logic is rarely stupid and you never really waste time,” Neldor muttered as he read over Taeral’s other shoulder.

I met Taeral’s unamused gaze and smirked. “That’s actually one of the nicest things he’s ever said about me. Ask the hobgoblins if you don’t believe me. I think Irma is constantly red around him and has threatened to make him sleep in the garage with the dogs multiple times.”

The top of Taeral’s head was seconds from popping off, he got so pissed, so fast. I wasn’t trying to get Neldor in more trouble; I was just glad the dark fairies were seeing it wasn’t me or bullshit rumors spread by my people.

“I wouldn’t have ever thought to invert this sort of power gathering,” Taeral admitted as he tapped a spot on the page. “It’s specific to protection. It’s why light and dark are allowed to combine in such a way that compounds magic so fast. The gods bless magic being used to protect always.”

“Yes, but it is protecting still,” I pushed. “It protects us and all fair folk to have Faerie alive and safe. We’re not safe here as we are there. That’s why I thought it could work here.”

“You’re right,” Taeral agreed. “I think you’re absolutely correct. I’m simply saying that’s why I wouldn’t have thought of it that way. I see Faerie as a constant. You see it as a haven the fair folk have been denied of these past twenty years. It’s another example of your perspective being different from ours as an asset, not a strike against you.”

“You keep bringing that up,” Iolas grumbled.

“Because it surrounds her like her mental shielding. She wraps it around her in the same way as a protective barrier, but with spikes in it to protect her.” He dipped his head to me in apology that he was speaking of me while I was standing right there. “You do. And I understand it. You will need that in the days to come. I simply want you to know that any with a brain will spend two minutes with you and see it as an asset.”

“Thank you.” I rushed the conversation along since I didn’t want to discuss that with them. “I leave this matter with you then. Let me know if or when I’m needed. I would bet it required a queen, heir, or royal. All the big stuff always seems to.”

“You are not the only—” Neldor started.

“I said if,” I sighed, giving him a tired look. “It’s why I brought you in this. I don’t care if you tell everyone it was your idea even, Neldor. Take the win. Brag if you get it done. Just get it done if you can. If not, let me know. I just want Faerie healed and our people safe.”

“You can entrust this assignment to us, Your Highness,” Iolas promised.

I smiled at him and Taeral. “I never doubted it. You work tirelessly for our people. It’s why I plan on offering you both positions as commanders in the Fae Guardians I will be creating that will be peacekeepers and protect all people in our world, as there will be peace. No more wars. No Copyright 2016 - 2024