Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,67

me, seeing as his eyes keep darting to the hand Nos has on me.

“How do you know what I am?” His tone is threatening as he steps forward, making Nos smirk.

“Fear not Fallen, I mean you no harm. I am just here for my mate.” Nos looks back at me with a soft smile before pulling me under his shoulder so we both face Griffin. Pain and confusion flash across Griffin’s face before he conceals it so quickly that if I didn’t see it for myself, I could have imagined it.

“Mate?” he spits out, throwing me a venomous look.

“Yes, problem?” Nos questions, frowning hard.

Griffin laughs bitterly, throwing his hands in the air. “For fuck’s sake! Yes, mate, there is a fucking problem because it seems we both have the same mate.”

He sneers the word like it’s dirty, the hate and...hope, behind it are confusing. I’m new to this world, I haven’t given much thought into being destined for one person, never mind two, but I can’t deny the attraction and pull I have for both of them...and the dragon from my dreams.

“Is that common for a person to have more than one mate?” I query, the word feeling strange on my tongue.

Nos taps his chin deep in thought and when it becomes clear Griffin won’t answer us, too busy throwing us glares, I turn to face my god.

“The more powerful the person, the more powerful the call is. Your supernatural side knows what you need and it will only call those who can help you, who your very soul was made for. Like missing pieces in a puzzle, you will fit together. It is common for the more powerful or older supernaturals to call more than one mate, but usually over years when your powers develop and you grow with them.”

Arching my brow, I cuddle into his side as my need disappears while I think through the ramifications. “So, there are more monsters looking for me?”

“Maybe, probably. With the power it takes to sustain your shifts, I would say yes. Skinwalkers are unbelievably powerful and also unknown. This will all be new and I am guessing different than most other mate calls. There has only ever been a few, and they didn’t last long once the council realised what they could do,” Nos replies, and I realise he knew what I was.

“You knew what I was and what do you mean?” I ask and Griffin scoffs. I throw him a glare, back to being annoyed by his attitude.

Nos frowns at him before turning his intense eyes on me. The white is slowly fading the more we talk, until they are back to being his human colour. “You can change into anyone you want, think of the ramifications. You could infiltrate the council itself. It means they fear you and what they fear, they destroy. They made skinwalkers into the undesirables. People call them vessels, face stealers, or changers.” He stops, wincing at the names people call what I am.

Are we really that bad? Thinking back over the last few days since I woke up as a skinwalker, I guess I’m not a great case against all those slurs but fuck. “Wonderful,” I comment.

“But you seem to be more than that,” Griffin adds and Nos sighs.

I look between them, and then finally settle on Nos. “What? What does he mean?”

He shifts from foot to foot before sighing again. “You didn’t notice, but I did. Your eyes, they went white when I came down the alley and when you killed the man in the hotel.”

I gasp. “Like yours?”

He smiles at that. “Yes, it seems when you connect or feed from your mate, you gain some of their power. Makes sense when you are essentially feeding from it. Everything I know about skinwalkers are myths, lore, and stories passed down through time, so I am afraid we are all learning as we go.”

Griffin scoffs again. “Yep, our mate, the fucking unicorn of the shifter world.”

Ignoring his attitude I ask Nos, “Are there unicorns?”

He shivers before nodding. “Yes. I love all creatures, it’s part of being an animal and forest god, but they even creep me out.”

“Erm, are we talking about the same creatures? The ones with horns and shoot rainbows?” I muse, confused.

“Fucking hell, she knows nothing about this world, lucky fucking me,” Griffin adds, but at this point I’m just ignoring him.

“They are nothing like the stories told to human children. They are dark creatures, their horn is coated in a poison,

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