Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,68

and they are moody, evil bastards who control the elements and can move through space at will. They tend to be very primal and they do not take well to others, human or supe alike, interrupting their land.”

Well fuck. “Okaaay, so no unicorns. They sound fucking horrifying.”

“Just you wait, vasculo, this world is dark and filled with monsters. Monsters who will all want you,” Griffin sneers, and I glare over at him.

“What the hell is your problem? It isn’t my fault I called you or whatever!” I throw my hands in the air in exasperation and he stalks forward until we are nose to nose.

“I do not want, or need, a fucking mate. You are nothing but a complication, one I will be rid of soon,” he drawls, and each word is like a blow or a knife to the gut.

I don’t let the hurt show, since he’s right, he didn’t ask for this, but neither did I. I might not know him well, but he is still buried inside me with my new skinwalker and powers wanting him. “I didn’t ask for this either. I didn’t ask to be beat, raped, and murdered and buried in a shallow grave in the fucking forest!” I scream, letting out all my excess emotions, it’s been a long night after all.

He flinches like a slapped him, regret and...caring enters his eyes before Nos interrupts.

“We should leave, Little Monster. People will start to investigate soon.” He nods at the body.

Sucking in some deep breaths, I back away from Griffin and nod at Nos. “Where are we going? We can’t go back to the hotel,” I inquire, wanting nothing more than a shower and a bed to curl up in with my monster at my back.

“Fucking brilliant,” Griffin mutters, and when I swing him a look he grabs a phone from his pocket. He doesn’t looking at me as he thumbs in a number and hits dial.

“Clean up, no witnesses. The Clubhouse, downtown,” he snaps before ending the call and sliding the phone away.

“You two are bloody useless—a new skinwalker with no impulse control and a fucking mystical old god with no place to go.” He rolls his eyes to the sky before sighing. “You can stay with me for one night, one fucking night, and you will tell me everything about your involvement in my case,” he orders.

I look at Nos with an arched eyebrow but he waits for me to decide, and right then and there, I fall a little bit more for my god. He should be mad, he should be jealous. Hell, I can feel it running through him, but he lets me make the decision. He doesn’t bark out orders or demands. Instead, he waits, his eyes telling me that whatever I decide, he will go through it with me.

Mate. I can understand that word now. I just don’t know what it means for a messed up person like me, but I know if I say no, if I walk away from Griffin now, that will be it. He will shut down, he will lock me out and curl up in his hate and anger. His mind twisting so all he knows is that beast. He might not want a mate, he might deny it, but he needs me and I obviously need him if my power makes any kind of sense.

Fate brought him to me for a reason, another monster from the dark waiting for me. His hands and future are in my hands. Do I walk away and leave him to crumble and fade away like mist?

“Okay,” I agree, my decision made. The world speeds up again, the power in me settles like I made the right decision, but that remains to be seen because the same danger I sense in Nos, I sense in Griffin, and he seems like a different kind of monster altogether.

Witches’ blood covers me from ear to hoof. Roaring again, I watch the witches cast spell after spell, their magic running low from such a long assault. I dodge the spells and ignore the ones that hit me, and charge them. I impale one on my horn before flinging her across the room.

The next I rip in half, and it goes on and on, until the walls and floors are painted with the blood of my enemies as I work my way through the house. There were more than I thought, and when I reached the landing they were ready, obviously hearing

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