Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,144

will know how to get there.

“Oh and Dawn, you were right. The things I have learned he has done...he deserves to die. Do not let him live when you finally come to the choice, or I will clean him up myself.” She ends the call and my eyebrows rise, wondering what she found.

But she has me wrong, I won’t falter. He deserves to die. I’m a vengeful bitch, not a fucking hero. He won’t see the sunrise, that’s for sure.

I turn to Nos and Griffin and we all share a matching grin. He might be a human and evil, but we are much worse. We are monsters.

Something wakes me up. My head is foggy, and when I open my eyes they take far too long to focus, and when they do I roar, yanking myself forward only to be stopped by chains. Turning my head, I narrow my eyes on the chains binding my hands and feet to a wall. I walk forward, and test how far they let me reach and their strength. They are no ordinary chains—they are spelled.

Roaring out my anger, I let the rage take control. I will not be trapped again.






The door opens and men stream in, and the next thing I know, I am knocked out again.

Waking, calmer than before, I huff through my nose, my eyes allowing me to see in the dark cell.

I can smell witches, but underneath that I smell a cloying mix of shifters and humans. What the fuck? Who the fuck hit me? I figured it was the witches wanting their revenge, but if so, then why haven’t they done it yet? This isn’t right.

It’s that thought that has me relaxing, taking in my surroundings and calming down. No, there are not just some witches.

This is something else.

The cell door opens and a man with bodyguards behind him steps in, his head held high and a smirk curving his lips. “Hello, Dume was it?”

We leave the house after an hour. Dawn is antsy. It’s the only word I can describe. She isn’t nervous, that I can tell, but she has been waiting for this moment and now that she knows it’s coming, she wants to go. We use Griffin’s car and I rattle off directions, keeping my eyes on her in the backseat.

She looks out into the forest calmly, but I want to make sure she is certain of this decision. I will not think lesser of her, and if she cannot do it I will kill him for her. Hell, I would rip out each organ and make a bloody sacrifice to her if she would allow it, but I have a feeling this is a battle she needs to face herself.

“Little Monster?” I call out, once we get on the stretch of road that will lead us to the spot we are meeting Victoria.

She turns to me, blinking hard like she was a million miles away. “Are you sure this is what you want? We can turn around, or Griffin or I can do this for you?” I offer.

She smiles softly, but her eyes are as hard as steel. “He did not rape you, he did not beat you, he did not ruin your life and then kill you. No, he is mine. I’ve been dreaming about this. If it’s my soul you’re worried about, we both know I have more blood and darkness on my hands than good,” she grits out, determination lacing her tone.

“It’s not your soul I am worried about,” I reply calmly. “I don’t care if you kill him or not, I just don’t want you thinking you have to.”

She softens a little. “Nos, I need to do this. He needs to pay. This city is crooked and he never will otherwise. I don’t give a fuck if I shouldn’t be judge, jury, and executioner—I will be. He made me that, but I would appreciate you both at my back,” she requests, looking worried suddenly.

Griffin snorts. “Like we will be anywhere else, vasculo. Not a fucking chance. I don’t give a fuck if you kill this piece of shit. In fact, if you don’t I plan to and I promise I will make him suffer a lot worse than you. But she’s right, this is hers. She needs to do this…” He trails off, going quieter. “I know that.”

I nod, turning back to the front. “Turn here,” I instruct, and Griffin takes us down the dirt road. His car isn’t great for the

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