Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,143

to me. If they are taking our people then I will kill them like I would anyone else. Just because they hold a seat of power does not mean they can’t be overthrown, and if they didn’t know about it, are they really fit to rule?” she muses, dropping that bomb as a phone goes off. She must have been playing with Griffin’s because she pulls it from her lap.

Dawn shoots upright. “I have a message from Victoria!” she exclaims.

“What does it say?” I ask.

She looks up and an evil grin stretches across her face as her eyes turn black. “She has Tim. She will bring him tomorrow night.”

Speeding along the roads, getting closer and closer to my mate, I push back the sick feeling in my stomach. My dragon is pushing against me again, letting me know something is coming. I debate leaving the car and flying at least five times as fast, but I know it would not help. Only when I have her in front of me will this feeling go away.

My phone rings, cutting off my internal debate, and with a sigh I answer it. I am tired after the long, few days of travel and hardly no sleep. Even my dragon is calling for rest.

“Yes?” I answer.

“Sir?” Jean Paul replies, sounding worried.

“I am fine, just tired. What’s wrong?” I ask, knowing he would only be calling if there was something to report.

“I have been doing some research and asking around to make sure everything is okay. Sir, it seems the hunters are on the move. I have humans watching them, but it seems they are all heading in the same direction you are.”

Smashing my fist to the wheel, I growl. “What else?”

“There are reports emerging of some races disappearing. I am trying to find out more, but I wasn’t sure it if was connected to the hunters or not, but I felt like I should inform you,” he rushes out.

“Thank you, Jean Paul, I did need to know.” I end the call, beyond confused and enraged. Is that what this bad feeling is? Is my mate in danger of disappearing or is it the hunters that seem to be baring down on the city she calls home? I have too many questions and not enough answers. It seems the best course of action is to keep going and hope that I get some when I find her.

Forcing myself to pull over and rest, I lean my seat back and close my eyes. I am no good to her exhausted and I am still not at a hundred percent after resting for so long. At least if I sleep I can reach out to her, it might settle my dragon as well. Happy with that, I let myself fall into the oblivion of slumber, thinking of nothing but her.

“Dawn?” I ask.

She turns, but it’s like she can’t see me. She searches the mist with a frown on her face. Stepping forward, I hit a barrier. It was invisible until I came into contact with it, but it’s blocking her from me.

Only a witch could block all types of connection like this, and unless they are targeting me on purpose…this is a net cast over wherever my mate is.

“Get out, get out of wherever you are now,” I order, slamming my hands onto the barrier again and again.

“Aska?” she calls out, looking around like I might appear before her like normal.

“Get out!” I scream, but it’s no use and I am flung from her dreams like a thread is cut. A coven is blocking me—but why? Why cast a net around the whole city? What are they trying to hide? Where do the hunters and the disappearances come into play?

I wait impatiently for Victoria to reply, so it startles me when the phone rings in my hand. I answer it straight away and her silky voice comes down the line. “Dawn, I have your asshole of an ex, we have...extracted information that we needed, but don’t worry, we did not break or kill him. I left that for you.” She laughs and I hear screaming in the background followed by the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

“Good,” I purr. “Where and when can I get him?” I almost beg, desperate for him to finally get his.

“I shall meet you in two hours, Lakes Road, you know it? Go on to the forest road and keep going, it is a dirt road, the sixth turn.” I nod, knowing Nos

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