Feast of Fools(22)

      And they all breathed an audible sigh of relief when the house faded into the darkness behind the car. Wow, Shane said. Dudes got a glare on him. Maybe he really does belong here in Morganville. 


      Dont say that, Claire said. She was fighting with all kinds of emotionsanger at her parents, frustration with the situation, worry, outright fear. Her parents didnt belong here. Theyd been just fine where they were, but Amelie had to uproot them and bring them here. Having Claires parents where she could control them gave her more leverage. 


      And now it gave Mr. Bishop leverage, too. 


      Shane took her hand. Easy, he said. Like Michael said, you dont have to go if you dont want to go. Not that I wouldnt feel better if you were someplace a hell of a lot safer. 


      I dont think the Danvers house will be safer, Michael said. They dont understand the rules, or the riskstheyre too new here. I think Bishops trying to play with Amelies head, and whatever we think about her, hes worse. I guarantee it. 


      Claire shuddered. Was it Amelie who called you at the restaurant?


 No, Michael said, and there was a grim tone in his voice. That was Oliver. I have to admit, Im not feeling real good about this. Olivers never really been on her sidemaybe hes taken Bishops. In which case we could be going home to a trap. 


      Do we have a choice? Shane asked. 


      Dont think so. 


      Then screw it. Im getting tired. Shane yawned. Lets go get eaten. At least then I can get some sleep. 


      Nobody thought it was funnyleast of all Shane, Claire suspectedbut they didnt have any better ideas, and Michael drove home. Morganville was silent outside the dark-tinted windows; Claire could barely see dim gleams of lights, and they might have been the few and far-between streetlamps, or the glow from house porch lights. It was a lot like being in a space capsule, but with better upholstery. 


      Michael parked and turned off the car. As Eve reached for her door handle, he said, Guys. She waited. They all waited. I didnt exactly get any instant upgrade on knowledge when I changed, but Im damn sure of one thing. This Bishop, hes real trouble. Trouble like maybe weve never seen before. And Im worried. So watch each others backs. Ill try


      He didnt seem to know how to finish that. Eve reached out to touch his face, and he turned toward her, lips parted. The look that went between them was so naked it felt wrong to see it. Shane cleared his throat. 


      Were all on it, man, he said. Well be okay. 


      Michael didnt answer, but then, Claire figured maybe there wasnt much to say. He got out of the car, and the others followed. The evening was getting cold, and the wind fluttered around Claires hair and clothes, looking for skin to chill. Finding it, too. She wrapped her jacket closer and hurried after Michael toward the back door.