Feast of Fools(20)

      Yes, Claire agreed. Im happy, Dad. 


      Michael still hadnt spoken. He was, instead, watching Claires father with a strange kind of intensity; at first she thought, Hes trying to put some kind of vampire whammy on him, but then she changed her mind. It was more like Michael was honestly puzzled, and trying to figure out what to say next. 


      Her father hadnt heard a word that anyone had said. I want you to move home, Claire, and thats that. I dont want you staying in that house anymore. End of discussion. 


      Her mother wasnt talking, which was unusual, too; she just stirred her coffee slowly and tried to look interested in the food on the plate in front of her. 


      Claire opened her mouth to shoot back a heated, not very respectful reply, but Michael shook his head and put his hand over hers. Dont waste your breath, he said. This isnt their idea. Bishop planted the suggestion. 


      What? Why would he do that?


      No idea. Maybe he wants us separated. Maybe he just likes messing with people. Maybe he wants to piss off Amelie. But the important thing is, I dont think you ought to let this get to you


      Not get to me? Michael, my father is saying I have to move!


      You dont, Michael said. Not if you dont want to. 


      Claires father, whod been frowning, turned a dark, unhealthy color of red in the face. You damn well do, he snapped. Youre my daughter, Claire, and until you turn eighteen, youll do what I tell you. And you He leveled a finger at Michael. If I have to bring charges against you


      For what? Michael asked mildly. 


      Forlook, dont think I dont know whats going on here. If I find out that my daughters been been . . . Dad didnt seem to be able to work up the words. Michael continued to watch him steadily,with no sign of comprehension. 


      Claire cleared her throat. 



      Forlook, dont think I dont know whats going on here. If I find out that my daughters been been . . . Dad didnt seem to be able to work up the words. Michael continued to watch him steadily,with no sign of comprehension. 


      Claire cleared her throat.