Feast of Fools(16)

      Shane was staring back at him as Eve poked and probed at his bandages, making sure they were tight. I think its okay, but you need to be careful, she said. These bandages need to be changed. You might have popped a stitch or something. 


      She put her shoulder under Shanes and helped him to his feet. Shane was still watching Michael, and Michael didnt seem to be able to physically look away from the bloody slash of bandage on Shanes stomach.


      Want some? Shane asked. Come and get it, bat boy. He was almost as pale as Michael, and his expression was tight and furious. 


      Michael somehow managed to smile. Youre not my blood type, bro. 


      Rejected again. But some of the wildness in Shanes eyes eased. Sorry. 


 No problem. Michael turned toward the closed kitchen door for a moment. Theyre talking. Look, Im going to go in and get your parents, Claire. I want everybody together whos still


      Breathing? Shane asked. 


      In danger, Michael said. Back in a second. He hesitated just a breath, then added, See if you can fix him up while Im gone. 


      And then he was out the door, moving unnaturally fast, as if it was a relief to get away from the smell of Shanes blood. Claire swallowed and exchanged a look with Eve. Eve looked just as shaken as she felt, but she moved quickly on with priorities. Okay. Wheres the first aid kit?


      Upstairs, Claire said. In the bathroom. 


      Nope, its down here, Shane said. I moved it. 


      You did? When?


      Couple of days ago, he said. Figured it would be better where I could get to it, since Im the one whos usually getting bandaged.


 Look under the sink. 


      Eve did, and hauled out a big white metal box marked with a red cross. She opened it up and pulled out supplies. Shirt off.