Feast of Fools(14)

      She opened her mouth, but she was interrupted. 


 No need for that, said a cool female voice. The cavalry had finally arrived. 


      Amelie moved Oliver aside and walked through the invisible barrier like it wasnt therewhich, to her, it wasnt, as Amelie was technically the creator and owner of the house. She was without her usual attendants and bodyguards, but there was no mistaking that she, not Oliver, was in charge by the way she swept across the threshold. 


      As always, Claire thought of her as a queen. Amelie was wearing a perfectly tailored yellow silk suit, and her pale hair was piled in a glossy crown on top of her head and secured with gold and diamond pins. She wasnt especially tall, but the aura she gave off was as powerful as an unexploded bomb. Her eyes were cold and very wide, and focused completely on the intruding vampire threatening Michael. 


      Leave the boy alone, she said. Claire had never heard her use that tone, not ever, and she shuddered even though it wasnt directed toward her. I rarely kill our own, but if you test me, Fran?ois, Ill destroy you. I only give one warning. 


 The other vampire hesitated only for a second, then let go of Michael, who collapsed back full length on the floor. Fran?ois rose to his feet in a single smooth, graceful motion, facing Amelie. 


      And then he bowed. Claire didnt have a lot of experience with seeing men bow, but she didnt think that one looked exactly respectful. 


      Mistress Amelie, he said, and the vampire teeth folded back into his mouth, discreetly hidden. Weve been waiting for you. 


      And amusing yourself at my expense while you do, she said. Claire didnt think shed blinked at all. Come. I wish to talk with Master Bishop. 


      Fran?ois smirked. Im sure he wishes to speak with you, as well, he said. This way. 


      She swept in front of him. I know my own home, Fran?oisI dont require a guide. A quick glance over her shoulder, to where Oliver still stood silently at the door. Come inside, Oliver. I will replace the Protections against you later, on behalf of our young friends. 


      He raised his eyebrows and crossed the threshold. Michael was just sitting up. Oliver extended a hand to him, but Michael didnt take it. They exchanged a look that made Claire shiver. 


      Oliver shrugged, stepped over him, and followed Amelie and Fran?ois into the other room. 


      When the kitchen door swung shut, Claire let out a long, relieved breath, and heard Eve and Shane do the same. Michael rolled painfully to his feet and braced himself against the wall, shaking his head. 


      Shane put a hand on his shoulder. Okay, man? Michael gave him a thumbs-up answer, too shaken to do anything more, and Shane slapped his back and grabbed the collar of Claires shirt as she rushed past him, heading for the door of the kitchen. Whoa, whoa, Flash, where do you think youre going?