Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,90

the power of your own rage, and one that was currently fuelling the Tree of Souls. This meant that the Crimson Eye also had the power to become a conduit to transfer those souls onto Matthias and with it, releasing the power that Lucifer had taken from him.

This was his plan, I was sure of it.

The only question left, was what this plan had to do with the last Titans?

“So, that’s it then, it means we have no choice but to fight as Hell goes to war with itself,” Keira said, making me agree.

“Yes, and if we lose, two things will happen. One, he will gain all control of Hell, overthrowing my father’s rule… and trust me when I say, Lucifer may be an asshole, but letting Matthias take the throne is not something we want to see happen. Secondly, he will no doubt eradicate all vampire life, or make every single one of them his puppets to do as he pleases… including you, Keira.” Dom roared at this.

“Not going to fucking happen!”

“So, you’re telling me that this could be happening right now and the only way we're going to know if it has, is when all of a sudden I turn bat shit crazy and want to stab you both?” Keira asked, making me grit my teeth.

“I confess, I believe the reason it hasn't happened is that they need her alive and have very little in the way of forcing her to do this, as she cannot be controlled,” I admitted, hating the idea of what they could be putting her though. Keira gasped, obviously thinking along the same lines as I.

“Oh my God! We can’t let them hurt our daughter!” she cried out, grabbing on to Dom as if he had the power to do something other than looked pained by the idea.

“Hence why we need to gather our forces and meet them at Tartarus with our own armies at the ready!” I said, making Dom agree with a nod. However, Keira now looked as though she was ready to suggest something else but held back. Instead, she continued to look worried and bit her bottom lip, until it looked close to bleeding.

After this talk, we found ourselves back around the table, with others joining us from Dom’s council and mine. As Dariush had gone to the Temple of Janus where all the gateways and portals were found, and started opening up the ones needed to get as many of our people here as possible.

However, sometime later, after hours of planning battle strategies and logistics in bringing our forces together, I noticed that Keira was missing.

“Where is your wife?” Dom looked behind him over his shoulder and said,

“She said she needed some time alone, as I don’t think she wanted the others to see her getting upset. She is worried, as we all are.” I nodded at this but then after more time passed, I grew even more concerned.

“Dariush should have been back by now, for he said he was trying to locate Cerberus.” Dom frowned at this and told me,

“That’s odd, for he already told me that Jared would meet us in Hell as he was dealing with the outbreak of rogues in London.” I narrowed my gaze and said,

“So, let me get this straight, both Keira and Dariush are missing… OH FUCK!”

“FUCK!” I shouted at the same time Dom did as we both bolted from our seats.

“Where did she go?!” Dom shouted at his father who didn’t answer quick enough, so Dom grabbed him by his lapel and shouted,

“KEIRA! WHERE IS MY WIFE!” Asmodeus finally answered after shrugging Dom off, and we both ran in the direction needed. Only this was to prove useless as the moment we barged into the room he had directed us to, we found only one person left, now lay unconscious and bleeding on the floor.

Keira was gone and as for my brother, the blood seeping from beneath his clothes was from what I could now see clearly ….

A Summoning Hex.


Past Beyond All Reason


By the time I woke up, everything ached, and I felt groggy. It also took me a moment to remember the events that led me to this point, making me wonder where the Hell I was now… pun intended of course, seeing as I was pretty confident, I was still in Hell.

But pretty soon, I started to wish the memories hadn’t come back to me. This was down to the pain that followed on seeing once more those

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