Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,58

that seemed to be a constant in our relationship. I looked back to that tree, seeing the portal there that had started my Hellish journey, one that felt like a fucking lifetime ago!

The portal he had begged me not to step through. And what had I done… I had made that first step that led our lives down that ruined path! Fuck, but I didn’t know who to hate more, him or me! Was that the reason he hadn’t given me the chance to beg him in return as he had done to me that day? To beg him not to do this. Beg him not to cut me out and carry on without me.

Because I had known exactly what that kiss had been, for it was not only a goodbye for now… no, but it was also something far more heart-breaking.

It was an eternal kiss goodbye.

It was the kiss that said that he would always love me. The one given in case he didn’t succeed, and all was lost. Which I now knew included not only his life, but my own. For my soul was eternally entwined with his and it always had been from that very first moment I tied myself to him. My soul was his and always would be until the day I died. Something he thought he could protect me from by casting me through this portal and tricking me.

Well, fuck that!

If he thought that I was just going to leave from here and let him face this alone then he was wrong!

“Fuck this!” I snapped before walking over to that same portal which had started this, only to find myself blocked by about 200 pounds of raw power wrapped in a sexy black man’s package… his body that was.

“Get out of my way, Clay!” I practically growled.

“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen, Princess,” he answered quickly, making me want to snarl like a damn cat back at him.

“You don’t get to tell me what I can and cannot do,” I told him.

“Actually, that’s where you’re wrong, as it’s our asses on the line here, and I am not just talking about what Luc would do to us if he found out you walked back into to Hell,” he informed me in that sexy deep voice of his.

“Oh, and who else are you…”

“Your father,” he stated, making me gasp.

“My father?” I questioned in shock.

“Look, just do me a favour and read this before you decide to get our asses kicked by doing something rash when you are obviously hurt and not thinking straight,” he said, pulling a rolled-up piece of parchment paper from beneath his leather jacket. He then nodded down to it when I didn’t take it, still too shocked to act. Lucius had called my father?

But of course, he had. After all, knowing Lucius, he would no doubt believe that being back at Afterlife would be the safest place for me.

“Go on, little bird, go ahead and take it,” Clay said, as I was just staring at it as though it was an emotional bomb he held in his hand. One I knew would go off and blow up in my face the second I read it. But despite this, I did as he asked and took it anyway because I knew what he said was true. Any decision I made now was one I would be making in an emotional state and if the past had taught me anything, then acting on heartbreak was never a good idea.

So, I nodded, taking it from him and then turning around and finding a small rock to sit on whilst I unrolled my fate.

One that read…

My Amelia,

My love, my soul mate, my very reason for living, please know that writing this letter is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. One I know that will shortly take second place after I am forced to say goodbye and let you go. Because asking for forgiveness when you don’t yet forgive yourself is like a tainted hope. But nevertheless, I will ask it of you anyway, because as you know, I am a selfish being when it comes to you, my sweet, troublesome little princess.

So, I ask of you, Amelia, please forgive me.

You have to know that I had no choice but to say goodbye this way. I know you are hurt and most likely feel as though I betrayed you, but you have to know that was never my intention. I would never

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