Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,47

empty, Etlu, just as threats can be idle, but sometimes, they can also be loaded and full of hidden meaning. So do not believe me fool enough not to suspect that your words could be the same,” Lucifer replied, pushing off the pillar he had been casually leaning against. Then he walked closer to the shadow puppets still casting their show high above the cut-out figures that portrayed his past failures.

“Then your distrust will be your undoing for we will all need to be on the same side if we are to succeed. For make no mistake, Father, a war is coming, and your knowledge of the past is what may tip the scales in our favour… that and your trust in our loyalty.” Lucifer turned away from the shadow scene still playing its tale of creation on an eternal loop. Then he raised a brow and asked,

“You speak of loyalty, yet what assurances do I have that it is one in my favour?” I released a sigh and told him,

“Because, despite whatever you may believe, I am thankful for my rebirth and never more so than now, since it has granted me a gift from the Gods greater than the eternity in Heaven that was first promised to me.”

“And that is?” Dariush was the one to ask this, and unsurprisingly Lucifer was the one to answer it, as he turned fully to look at us both and said,

“His Chosen One.” I inclined my head telling him that he was right, although after seeing him with his own, I was not surprised.

“Speaking plainly, you created me to do a job and for over 2000 years I have done it. I have turned the vampire race into something pure and powerful and cast its memory of unruly, mindless creatures into the shadows. Vampires that are now bound to me with their very souls, but being their king is enough for me.” He scoffed at this and asked,

“You think being a king ever ends?” I released a sigh and wanted to nod to those depicted in his misguided past to remind him that it ended for some of them. But instead, I told him the truth,

“No, but your control over me ended a while ago and you know it. Which means that by my being here is of my own choosing. For I come to you not to beg for your help or to place myself at your mercy, despite what you may want to believe. Nor did I come here to challenge you for your throne.”

“Yes, you made that quite clear,” Lucifer added in a dry tone.

“Good, then you won’t be surprised to hear that I am here to seek an alliance with you, and one you will unquestionably need because this other son of yours, he's not out to seek his revenge against me but in fact against us all, and included in that is you, his maker.” Lucifer laughed once without humour, and protested,

“Your words are lacking, son.”

“How so?” I asked with a frown, now crossing my arms over my chest in a defensive way.

“You speak of an alliance, but tell me this, what need do I have of you on the battlefield if your army has already fallen into the hands of the enemy and being used against you. For do not think me ignorant of the facts, as you’re not the only who knows when the Tree of Souls weeps. For the blood in your veins is connected with my own… or did you forget that?” At this point I wanted to roll my fucking eyes as it was hardly something I would ever fucking forget! However, I did think it prudent to refrain from arguing back, and instead decided to remind him of the facts in greater depth.

“That maybe so, but it is my blood who binds their souls, not yours and seeing as the army you think will fall from my grasp is greater than your own, then I'll say that you'll need all the help you can get to prevent him from beating you on the battlefield… for I am hardly without my uses, Lucifer, or did you forget that?” I said, using his words back at him and making him grin knowingly before replying nonchalantly,


“Perhaps, my ass!” I snapped, prompting Dariush to take my place in trying to convince him of facts.

“Make no mistake, Father, for two sons stand before you that have no interest in taking your place by ruling over Hell.

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