Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,46

fuck is going on,” Dariush snapped this time, making Lucifer sigh,

“Ah, but as impatient as ever, my Marus.”

“Yes, well, when your people are turning into mindless rogues that you’re forced to hunt down and turn to ash at the end of your blade, then I would say, as their King, my impatience is more than fucking warranted!” I snapped, making him wave a hand as if batting away a fly and nothing too important.

“Yes, well, there is always one threat or another when you’re a king,” was his vague as fuck reply.

“That’s true but I would think the eradication of an entire race would have taken precedence over much else you face as king!” I barked back, making his grin widen, which was finally when I started to get it.

“You fucking want this, don’t you?!” At this he rolled his eyes and told me,

“Don’t flatter yourself, kid!” I gritted my teeth at that, hating when he referred to me as such. But then again, wasn’t that precisely why he did it.

“Fuck flattery, old man! You know the size of my armies and you are not foolish enough to ignore my increase in power,” I stated, laying it all out on the fucking table and making Lucifer’s expression darken.

“Luc, I wasn’t planning on this being a suicide mission,” my brother muttered in warning.

“I would heed your brother’s words, my Maru.” I gritted my teeth and took a step closer, feeling my brother’s hand suddenly appear on my shoulder, now holding me back. But I turned back to him and said,

“Trust me, brother, for I do not intend to die this day.” After this he released me and held his hands out in a ‘be my guest’ gesture that he no doubt would have added, ‘it’s your funeral’ had he dared.

“Look, I am only going to say this shit once and I don’t give a fuck what it takes for you to believe it, but I suggest you hear my words and understand them, for they will not change.” At this Lucifer looked undecided between ripping my head off for the offence of disrespect or looking intrigued by it. Either one, I couldn’t have cared less for, as he could fucking try and fight me, but he would find himself fighting an equal, that was for damn sure!

I was not what I once was.

I was no longer what he made me.

However, if I was to choose one option simply out of ease, then it would have been for him to allow me to finish what I intended to say and be done with it. So he could believe me, and we could move on to more important shit, like what the entirety of Hell was I about to face! Because one thing I was sure of and that was whatever this Matthias had planned, it went far beyond simple revenge.

No, this was all about power.

“Very well, my Etlu Maru, tell me what it is you wish for me to know so intently,” Lucifer said, now calling me his warrior son, which I took as a good sign as it was a damn fucking sight better than being called kid!

“Only this, my power may have increased, along with my armies but understand me now when I say that I have no interest in becoming the next ruler of Hell, even if such a thing were possible. Even if you asked it of me yourself, my answer would now and forever be, no.” At this Lucifer’s eyes widened, clearly surprised by my lack of ambition for something more than what this second life of mine had already granted me.

“You’re serious?” he asked, dumbfounded.

“Deadly so. In fact, if it was in my power to do so, I would rescind my rule here and I would ask my brother to take my place permanently,” I replied, nodding to Dariush who had no problem ruling in my place and I had to confess, he did a damn sight better job of it than I ever could, seeing as I fucking hated any time spent in Hell.

“Why? Why as the first true son of mine would you give up what is your new birthright to claim?” he asked, doing so in such a way as if the idea was beyond all reason.

“Because being a King in the mortal realm is enough for me and the only Kingdom I am interested in ruling.” His face said it all, which was why I pushed,

“You believe my words untrue?”

“Words can be

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