Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,28

letter written to Amelia was one where I had tried to explain my actions and the fucked-up reasons behind them. For it was simple.

It was fear.

Fear of losing what was most important to me. Fear that she would be taken from me again, and this time that fear spread to a place where I knew I may not have the power to bring her back again. Fear, that was now so much more than just a word. So much more than even a feeling. Because now that fear had a place. It had a smell. It had a touch and a sound. It was an office. It was her blood. It was her cold skin and the sound of the last breath she took.

That fear was now my biggest weakness, and one I knew had the power to consume me should I let it. It was also one that had the power to make me lose this war and that, I could not afford to do. So, I asked for her forgiveness, not being ashamed to say, I near begged for it. But then my letter was also much more than that. Much more than an explanation, and much more than a means to get her to forgive me. Because I had to ask myself, if it came to it, what would be the last words I would say to her if I could? If I was defeated and slain, what would I have said to her with my last dying breath?

That was what the letter contained.

My goodbye.

It held, in that single page, the words I never had the chance to tell her as she lay there beneath me, dying. No, all she had heard was me demanding that she live. Demanding that she came back to me. But that had never been my goodbye. So, this time, she would know. She would know, despite her feelings being one of betrayal and the heartache that I had inflicted upon her with my actions, she would still know how much I loved her. She would know it always, and that my love for her would be what was spoken with my dying breath.

That I would love her in death just as I did in life.

That I would love her eternally.

I clenched a fist thinking back to that letter and shaking the sight of her pain from my mind. Then I released a deep sigh and nodded to my brother.

“Let's get this shit over with.”

Dariush didn’t comment, but instead simply created a portal, one that was red and glowing and unsurprisingly a foreboding sight considering what lay on the other side. Well, foreboding sight or not, it was one that after nodding farewell to my brother, I stepped through. Yet when I heard another presence behind me after making it to the other side, I turned to find Dariush had followed me.

“What are you doing!?”

“What does it look like?” he replied, cracking his neck.

“Something foolish is what!” I snapped, making him smirk and say,

“Yeah well, you're an idiot if you think I'm going to let you do this alone.”

“The Kingdom needs a ruler, Dariush,” I reminded him, making him scoff.

“Fuck the Kingdom… besides, you and every other vampire might be dead soon, so I was thinking… if that happens… of becoming the next King of Lust, filling it full of pussy and retiring a happy man,” he said, making me laugh before throwing back,

“Yes, but then whilst you’re wishing, you may also dream of owning a bigger cock or all that pussy will feel is a stick in the wind.” At this he grunted a laugh and said,

“I get no complaints, asshole. Anyway, if I was fucking wishing for anything right now, it would be to fight in a war I helped my brother win… speaking of which… shall we?” Dariush said, making me grin as in that moment, I could not argue against this sentiment. So, instead of arguing further about him being here, I clasp my hand to his shoulder in thanks, telling him without words how much it meant to have him by my side. And in that single nod was all it took to express so much between us. Because we didn’t need to say more, not when we had our loyalty to one another, one that went beyond words.

One, I will admit had been tested recently, this was true, but it didn’t change what lay ahead. And right now, that was the sight of our father’s formidable

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