Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,27

person that could help me, and as much as I hated it, I was left with no other option than to deal with the bastard, as this went much deeper than I once thought, because the roots of rage reached much further than just a few centuries in the making. No, in fact, they started back to when I drew my first Hellish breath. Possibly even further and beyond my resurrection, back to a time where my name didn't mean the sun.

Back to a time where my name was only ever remembered as meaning one thing…

The great betrayer of all time.


Meaning only one thing, it was time to face my past once and for all… and to do that I needed one thing.

“Create me the portal,” I snapped as I tore the rest of my tunic off and with a single thought, brought forth my usual plain black, Vipera skinned clothing.

My brother turned my way at my approach.

“Inside or out?” he asked, knowing exactly which realm I meant to travel to.

“Somewhere on the outskirts, for I will make my way to the Castle myself,” I answered, looking down at my bound hand and exchanging the leather for a demonic, clawed gauntlet.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked with a sigh.

“You ask me that now, after it feels like I just ripped out my Chosen One’s heart?!” I snapped, making him shrug his shoulders and say,

“Hey, it was better than taking her with you to the fucking Wolves… besides, I didn't say it was a bad plan.” I ignored this and nodded to the space where the portal once was. Now trying to get the fucking image out of my mind of Clay grabbing her from behind and pulling her through forcefully, because what else could I have done? Amelia would never have listened and that girl, Gods, but she had a power over me like no other!

Which meant I knew that, given the chance, she would have convinced me of all manner of other options. None of which would have ensured her safety like the one I was forced to choose. Because time had proven only one thing to me and that was, despite all the power I possessed, I was still always powerless to stop someone from taking her. I was powerless to protect her from all manner of things befalling her. And the worst part was that not all of these were just from being in Hell. No, the painful truth was it had been ever since I had come into her life. I had been the target all along, and she had been the metal lightning rods stood behind me bearing the brunt of every hit against me.

Well, I refused to stand helplessly by and watch her die once more! I refused to be the cause of anymore pain. She asked me why I had created that memory of how I had wished things had gone the night of the gala, and I had told her the truth in my reply. Because if I had the power to go back, that was how it would have happened… minus forcing her to eat a fucking big steak for breakfast that was.

But I would have changed it because she deserved nothing less, and because I felt ashamed of myself that I had failed to recognise that until it was too late. Just as I had selfishly kept her in my life for as long as possible, despite knowing of the dangers. Because I was an arrogant fool who believed myself capable enough of protecting her.

Well, I would not fail her again.

So, I asked for her forgiveness, knowing that I would have no choice but to send her on her way back to her father. Then I prayed to every God out there that he had the ability to do what I could not. However, the pain I was forced to witness in her face when she realised my betrayal, was all the punishment I could take, for despite all my reasons, I still felt like the biggest bastard alive!

So, I had written two letters, one to her father explaining all that had happened and all that would happen in the coming days. I told him to prepare for war, and if he had to lock her away in that fucking tower I knew he had, then so be it!

As for the other letter, that was the one that cut me to my core just having to write it! The

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