Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,112

little squeak.”

“Gottcha, boss man!” she said, giving me a salute.

“Any ideas what we can do about that?” Dom asked nodding towards Abaddon, making Pip pop her bubble gum and push back the riot of green curls that were currently in bunches at the top of her head.

“Hey, I will have you know that's my Hubba Bubba you're talking about,” she snapped, before popping another bubble in her mouth. Then, this Hubba Bubba of hers started on his rampage, picking up a centaur and throwing it at us, forcing us to all sidestep as it went rolling through our army like a cannon.

All three of us followed its path of destruction before we looked back at Pip.

“Okay, so yes, anger management might be on the cards when we get home, that or tantric sex with me dressed as a kitten… one of the two,” she replied, painting an image I really didn’t want before a battle… or ever for that matter.

“Right,” Dom said, looking as if he held the same thoughts as I had.

“Leave him to me,” Lucifer said, after landing next to us in his demonic glory and looking like a demonic God we, most definitely, needed on our side. He was followed shortly after by Dom’s father.

“Leave him to us… you know you can't take him on your own, besides, who helped you get his ass into that pit the first-time round?” Asmodeus said, making Pip huff,

“Hello, if you're all gonna talk smack about my husband, the fight’s gonna start right here! I don't care if you're the Devil and I don't care if you're the King of Lust… although, just so you know, you’re my favourite out of all the Kings… big fan… just saying.”

“I don't care who deals with him, I just need him out the way. Dom and I are going to get as close to Matthias as possible, for we need to prevent him from getting to the Keystone as I know now that this battle is only a distraction to his end goal,” I told them.

“Zagan and Sophia will lead our armies,” Dom said, and at this Sophia slipped through her husband’s legions with him behind, both of them clearly ready for battle and in full armour.

“Hey, old man,” Sophia said in a sweet tone going up to her father and kissing him on the cheek in a loving way. Then she walked over to Pip and they exchanged a fist bump,

“Hey, girlfriend, you ready to get our last Titanna back?” I didn't know what this meant but I was pretty sure it was referring to Keira in some manner. Dom must have thought so too as he interjected dryly,

“Leave Keira to me, I will get her back, even if it's kicking and screaming and trying to take my head off.” And I was of the same sentiment with Amelia. Although, I had to say, I think Amelia was going to be a little easier to handle, unless, of course she had mastered the use of her powers, because if that was the case, then I was screwed. Or should I say royally fucked, and not in a good way!

“Any ideas on how he's going to resurrect this Keystone, last I remember we destroyed it for good reason?” Dom asked.

“He's going to use the box,” Lucifer informed us, making me grit my teeth as a growl of frustration made its way through.

“Come again?”

“I might not have been completely forthcoming with you regarding the box,” he admitted, making me want to punch the fucker!

“But of fucking course not!” I growled, stopping myself from dragging a gauntleted hand through my hair and tearing every fucker out, leaving me to go into battle with patches of hair fucking missing!

“The box was not just a way for me to communicate with Pythia, but it was also a weapon.”

“So that's the real reason he took it,” I replied with a sneer.

“It cannot be used without the Venom of God, for when that blood is poured inside, it will open up and become a key.”

“A key to what exactly?” Dom asked, as he could see I was on the edge.

“It enables you to reverse the effects of the Venom of God, something used to both release and bind the Titans to their prison. The box makes it so that the Keystone grants the power of the Titans. This is how he will use it,” Lucifer said, making me clench my jaw as I knew he was fucking keeping more from

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