Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,51

you ever get that one you just bought—that Nightwalker Kindred—trained enough to participate?”

“Not yet, more’s the pity.” Lady Zangelo sighed. “For he’s hung like a Prosperian thunder-beast! But he’s still completely savage—won’t obey, though I used the pain collar on him fifty times a day!”

“Well, he’ll come around,” another Mistress said. “They always do. Maybe you’ll get to feel that long, thick shaft of his during your next friction party, Lady Z.”

“One hopes so,” Lady Zangelo sniffed. “I swear that shaft of his is the only reason I bought him. That and that awful Mistress Bittlebum goading me and saying that he was completely untameable and nobody could handle him if she couldn’t.”

“Lady Bittlebum couldn’t train a seventy-year old bodyslave with only one good eye and a limp—let alone a young, virile warrior,” another Mistress said.

“It’s not Lady Bittlebum I blame for the Kindred’s savagery,” Lady Zangelo said. “It’s that old Mistress Hownow—the one who owned him in the first place. Do you know she actually raised him as her child without the use of any kind of collar or pain device?”

“She did?” Many of the Mistress’s eyes widened behind their masks.

“Whatever for?” one of them asked.

Lady Zangelo snorted.

“Why, to be her heir! Can you imagine? A male heir?”

“No wonder he’s so intractable,” another Mistress remarked. “If she raised him as an equal to females. How perfectly ridiculous!”

“Nevertheless, I will break him eventually,” Lady Zangelo said, frowning. “I have a new spiked neuro-collar that I ordered specially made for him, coming in tomorrow. Its spikes hook directly into the nervous system and stimulate the pain centers in the brain. That should make him behave!”

“Oh, how awful!” Lilli breathed behind Karn.

“Yeah, our Lady Z there seems to be quite a piece of work,” he growled, nodding at her image on the liquid crystal screen. “Look—here come the bodyslaves.”

As they watched, five bodyslaves—all very well hung—came into the camera’s frame. Each of them appeared to be wearing some kind of covering over his shaft. Some of the coverings had raised bumps and ridges and one had tiny blunt nubs studding its surface.

“Those must be the ‘friction sleeves’ they were talking about,” Karn murmured.

“I guess so,” Lilli breathed.

At a signal from one of the masked women, the bodyslaves approached and took up positions behind their respective Mistresses.

“Is everyone ready?” Lady Zangelo asked.

“Just a moment—I must adjust,” one of the Mistresses said.

The bed’s height was such that it put most of the Mistresses in line with the cocks of their bodyslaves. But for a few, the distance wasn’t quite right. Several of them did something to the tops of their pillows—possibly manipulating some controls hidden in the fur. The pillows rose and got plumper or flattened accordingly, lifting or lowering the Mistresses to the right height.

“All right—all good,” one of them called.

“Good.” Lady Zangelo’s eyes narrowed in anticipation. “Then let the friction party begin!”

As if on cue, the five bodyslaves came up behind their Mistresses and did something which looked very much like penetration, though Karn knew that was strictly forbidden. It was hard to tell if they were actually inside their Mistresses or not, due to the angle of the camera which was recording the proceedings, but most of the women on the pillows wiggled and moaned in reaction to their bodyslave’s actions and several of them began issuing orders.

“Pok, rub faster,” one of them demanded. “I can barely feel you!”

“Use the vibration function,” another Mistress told her bodyslave. “Ah—that’s right—hold it right there,” she added, squirming against his thick shaft.

“What are they doing?” Lilli asked in a shocked voice. “Are they letting their bodyslaves penetrate them?”

“I don’t know.” Karn looked up at her. “Why—what do you think about it?”

“I think they…” Lilli broke off, her cheeks going red. “I don’t know what to think. Of course, you’re never supposed to let your bodyslave, er, do that. But…”

“But what, baby?” Karn murmured, catching her eyes.

“Um…” She pressed her thighs together and he noticed that her little pink clit—which had been hidden for a while after he licked her on the stage—was now beginning to peep out from between her pussy lips as though begging for attention again.

“Are you starting to feel the tingling again?” Karn murmured.

“Well…” Lilli bit her lip. “Maybe…maybe a little bit.”

“Do you need me to lick you again, baby?” he asked, his voice dropping to a low, lustful growl. He loved the sweet-salty taste of her little virgin pussy.

“I…I’m not sure if you should,” Lilli whispered.

“But you want me to, Copyright 2016 - 2024