Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,50

was under surveillance with a hidden camera apparently secreted in each room—some rooms had more than one. He was looking for images from the bedchamber where the body had been found, but that file came up blank, along with many others.

Looks like someone erased it, Karn thought grimly. Who had done it? Was it the murderer, covering their tracks? Or some authority figure who didn’t want to accuse a prominent Mistress of a heinous crime?

He was just about to despair when he found a file for the large kennel room he and Lilli had already visited. It had been hidden in an innocuous folder marked, expendable assets, which might explain why whoever had erased the other files had missed it.

He clicked on it and up popped an image of the kennel room.

“Oh!” Lilli whispered in shock as Karn played the footage. “Look at that! That must be the Nightwalker Kindred!”

“And that must be the murderer,” Karn growled. They watched together as the scene played out. It was only a few moments long, but it was clear what had happened—the Nightwalker Kindred had been framed.

He pressed the spy device on the nail of his left ring finger again, hoping to record the data and send it on to Commander Sylvan and the Mother Ship—but there was a problem.

“There’s a send-block on it,” Karn growled in frustration.

“A what?” Lilli frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, uh…I wanted to send it to your Mother’s computing device,” Karn said, thinking quickly. Damn it, he had to be more careful around the little female! He had gotten entirely too comfortable committing espionage with Lilli in the same room with him.

“To my mother’s device?” Lilli asked, clearly confused.

“So she can see the truth. She’s the Archivist, isn’t she? This ought to go to her,” Karn said pointing at the screen. “But maybe I can record it instead—on this,” he added, picking up a tiny drive at random out of a pile on the desktop. “Let’s see what’s on it—maybe we can erase it and put the scene from the kennel room on it instead. Then I can load it secretly onto your Mother’s computing device. She’ll wonder where it came from, but she’ll have to act on it. After all, the case is in court—or going to court—very soon.”

“Oh, and as the Archivist, she’s supposed to supply the court with any relevant documents or evidence. Right!” Lilli exclaimed. “Good idea, Karn.”

“Thanks, baby.” He grinned at her and slipped the tiny, fingernail-sized drive into a slot in the manipu-cube.

He thought he’d take a quick look at the files on the drive before erasing them, but when the image popped up on the liquid crystal screen, he forgot all about that. Because what appeared on the screen seemed to be some kind of amateur porn—made right in the next room with the circular bed.

“Oh, my…” Lilli’s voice was hushed as she looked over his shoulder at the screen. “What…what are they doing?”

The scene showed the same bed they had just seen, only this time it was occupied. Five Mistresses—all of them wearing masks, apparently for anonymity—were lying full length on the long, furry pillows. They had their skirts hitched up to their waists, showing bare bottoms and it was clear they had no panties on—not even the skimpy kind that Yonnite High Society favored. This was obvious because they had their legs spread and their knees were bent, resting on either side of the pillows they were lying on.

“Mmm,” one murmured, rubbing against the fur of her pillow. “Lady Zangelo, this feels lovely.”

“I told you—no names!” another of the masked Mistresses snapped. “And of course it’s nice—it’s fresh zoola fur. It costs a ridiculous sum, of course and it’s doubly expensive since I have to throw all the pillows out and get fresh ones for every friction party. But I think it’s worth it. Rub it against your nipples—the feeling is quite unique.”

At this, all of the Mistresses pulled down the tops of their dresses—not that they had very far to pull in most cases—and began to rub their bare breasts against the long, silky fur of their pillows. There were appreciative moans from all of them and several congratulated Lady Zangelo on her very good taste.

“Now where are those bodyslaves?” another Mistress asked, frowning peevishly. “I’m getting quite chilly lying here all open like this!”

“They’ll be coming in a moment. They just have to put on their friction sleeves,” another Mistress told her. “Oh, Lady Z, did Copyright 2016 - 2024