Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,17

sharply. “Everyone is here now and we must go in to dinner before the mooshmush gets cold!”

“Coming, Mother!” Lilli trotted more quickly down the stairs and Karn followed her at a respectful distance. At least he wasn’t the only one with his shaft hanging out, he saw, as he eyed the other bodyslaves. Each and every one of them had an oiled, erect shaft sticking out of his crotchless trousers and all of them also wore pain collars.

Poor bastards, Karn thought. They’re stuck here with no way to escape. Thank the Goddess he had on a fake collar and a plan to get out of here when he had the information he had come for. Though at the moment, he was in no hurry to complete his mission—his sweet little virgin Mistress was far too intriguing for him to want to leave any time soon.

“Now then, Lilliana,” Mistress Mirabella said when they finally reached the bottom of the grand staircase. “I know you’ve met some of the Mistresses here, but you haven’t been formally introduced. And since we have four of the Sacred Seven here tonight, I think now is a good time for formal introductions. Lady Tempertant, you already know. And her daughter, Priss.”

She nodded to the woman with a halo of bright purple hair and a girl with sharp, pretty features and wide blue eyes. She looked very little like her mother because while Lady Tempertant was short and somewhat blocky, despite obvious body-mods. Her daughter was tall and thin with blue hair which was styled into a startling sunburst all around the crown of her head.

In fact, all of her was thin including her eyebrows—which had been plucked into two skinny, elegant lines and her lips which looked like a ribbon of scarlet under her narrow nose. The only thing about her that wasn’t skinny, Karn thought, was a slightly rounded bump in her lower abdomen. This was clearly visible since she was dressed in true Yonnite style with a skirt which hung low on her hips and split in the middle to show her panties.

“And here’s Lady Paddlepants and her daughter Yulla,” Lady Mirabella continued.

A thin woman with a patrician nose and a permanently sour expression on her face nodded briefly to Lilli. Her daughter was a dull-looking creature with watery gray eyes and an upper lip which didn’t quite meet the lower one. This resulted in her top teeth showing at all times, which made her look very much like the Earth animal called a rabbit, Karn thought. They both nodded at Lilli, who nodded back politely.

Yulla, too, had a softly rounded abdomen. Karn frowned—was it some kind of body-mod? But why would females who were so self-conscious about their weight modify themselves to look less than sleek and perfect? He had no idea but it seemed very strange.

“And finally, meet Lady Bodypom and her twin daughters, Beelie and Bodie,” Lady Mirabella finished, nodding at the last of the party.

Lady Bodypom had a tower of bright pink hair and a self-important look on her sallow face. Her daughters both had silver-tipped, black hair and wide purple eyes which they turned on Lilli in unison. They, too, had slightly rounded abdomens which stuck out above their long, silver, split skirts.

“Hello, it’s very nice to meet all of you,” Lilli said, trying to smile, though Karn could see what the effort cost her. He hadn’t known her long, but he thought his new Mistress was something of an introvert, which meant that this kind of social gathering was going to be difficult for her.

“Well…” Lady Mirabella clapped her hands. “Shall we go in to dinner? I have us in the smaller dining room, since we’re just an intimate little party,” she added, and smiled at her guests.

There was a general murmur of agreement and the entire party followed their hostess through the grand entryway, down a long marble hallway, and finally into a vast banquet hall.

So this is the smaller dining room? Karn thought, looking around in awe. The hall could have comfortably seated two hundred or more, so their party of nine Mistresses and their accompanying bodyslaves was dwarfed by the echoing chamber. He wondered if Lady Mirabella really did have a larger banquet hall somewhere in this immense palace or if she was just showing off for the other Mistresses.

They all trooped to the center of the room where two separate tables had been set up under two huge glittering gold and diamond chandeliers. Here, Copyright 2016 - 2024