Protecting His Mistress - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,16

tip as though to soothe the small ache he had caused. “That feels so…so good.”

He released this nipple as well, with another soft kiss.

“That’s as it should be, little Mistress,” he murmured as he began fastening the second nipple drop in place. “A bodyslave must give his Mistress pleasure, right?”

“I…I guess so.” Lilli felt rather dazed. She was throbbing all over in places she’d never throbbed before and her nipples felt so sensitive now, especially with the heavy diamond drops hanging from them. They were dark red from being sucked too—a fact she hoped her green top would hide. What would everyone say if they knew she’d been letting her bodyslave suck her nipples in private?

Of course, it was a time-honored tradition to allow a bodyslave to suck one’s nipples in public. Many Mistresses put two different powders on their nipples—one red hot and the other icy cold. They forced their bodyslaves to suck the powders off as a form of punishment—Lilli had seen it done. But she didn’t think it was proper to do it in private and without the punishment powders.

Still, Karn had done it and there was no taking it back now. She just wished it hadn’t made her feel so very wet and hot between her legs, especially when they were about to go out in view of all her Mother’s friends and their daughters.

There was no help for it now, though—Lilli told herself she would think about it later. For now she just had to get through the banquet tonight without any major problems.

“Well,” she said shakily. “I…I guess we’d better get going. The banquet’s about to begin.”

“Indeed it is, little Mistress.” Karn nodded at her. “And I’ll be by your side every step of the way.”

“Come on then,” Lilli told him and led the way—on rather wobbly legs—out of her rooms.


Lilli’s apartment was located in an out of the way wing of the huge mansion Lady Mirabella had built for herself at the top of her tallest building. She was obscenely wealthy—Karn had learned that from his research on her before he came to Yonnie Six. Her holdings were mainly in Dream Gas mining, so her estate was located outside the boundaries of Opulex, the capital city and the hub of all Yonnite high society.

He had been brought in through the service entrance when he had first arrived, but now Karn got a sense of how huge and richly furnished Lilli’s mother’s home actually was.

Looking over the banister of the upstairs foyer, he could see down to the opulent entryway with its pure white marble flooring, shot through with streaks of gold, silver, and platinum. Tall golden vases from the Vastar Dynasty of Porgum Five were filled with rare Thousand Year blossoms from Y’lll Prime.

The flowers were extremely rare and expensive and were named for the fact that they only bloomed once every thousand solar years and then only for a day. After that, they went dormant for another whole millennium. They were in full bloom at the moment, their vast blossoms as big as a male’s head, the petals—each bigger than his hand—a red so dark it was almost black shot through with vivid crimson.

It was an entry fit for a monarch but the Yonnite Mistresses milling around in it didn’t look impressed. There were seven of them, Karn saw, including Lady Mirabella herself. Three of the guests were middle-aged women, about their hostess’s age and four of them were younger, around Lilli’s age. All of them had bodyslaves in tow—one for each Mistress—and the combined amount was quite a large party—though they were still dwarfed by the sheer size of the marble entryway.

“I see you had some Thousand Year blossoms imported,” one of the middle aged women remarked to Lady Mirabella in an off-hand way. “They’re nice, though nothing to what I had in my own parlor just the other week. Rare blue Thousand Years, don’t you know. You can hardly get them for love or money, but when I heard of them I simply had to have some.”

“Oh?” Lady Mirabella’s smile looked rather strained. “Do tell, Lady Tempertant. Did you get them for a special occasion?”

“Oh, no.” The other woman—who had bright purple hair teased out into a kind of halo around her head—shrugged. “I just wanted some, that’s all.”

“I see.” Lady Mirabella looked up at that point and caught sight of her daughter coming down the vast, curving staircase with Karn at her heels. “Lilliana, do hurry up,” she called Copyright 2016 - 2024